Vancouver Sun

Horgan defends plan to veto closed-list pro-rep model

Premier denies he’s manipulati­ng system as referendum voting continues


VICTORIA Premier John Horgan denies he’s trying to manipulate the outcome of the referendum on proportion­al representa­tion by altering one of the options in the middle of the campaign.

“I don’t believe I’ve amended anything, other than to put forward what is self-evident: Closed lists aren’t in the interests of British Columbians,” Horgan told reporters on Thursday.

Horgan told Postmedia News this week that if the mixed member proportion­al model wins support in this month’s mail-in referendum, he will make sure NDP MLAs on a post-referendum legislatur­e committee block the so-called closed list version — the model in which voters don’t cast ballots to rank individual candidates on party lists.

The premier defended his comments Thursday at a press event.

“It seems to me we could give that one a pass,” Horgan said of closed list approach. “There’s no one in the legislatur­e that thinks it’s a good idea, so why would we proceed with it?”

The NDP and Greens both oppose closed lists, preferring instead the open list model in which voters vote for individual candidates on party lists.

That means that when additional seats are allocated based on popular vote, the candidate on a party ’s list with the most votes is chosen first.

The NDP and Greens have a majority on the legislatur­e committee charged with setting the details for whatever option wins after the referendum.

Horgan said the Liberals also support his position. But Liberal leader Andrew Wilkinson blasted Horgan’s move. “Horgan and the NDP have no mandate to dictate the choices for our voting system,” he said.

“Who appointed him to tell us what’s good for us?”

The Liberals have said there are almost two dozen key details about the voting systems left unresolved until after the referendum.

“The NDP can’t change the rules halfway through the game to try and encourage people to vote,” said Wilkinson.

The declaratio­n that one version of mixed-member is effectivel­y off the table comes after Elections B.C. has already received more than 243,969 ballots, or 7.4 per cent of all registered voters.

“He’s trying to sort of fill in some of the blanks at the late stage,” said Hamish Telford, a politicals­cience professor at the University of the Fraser Valley. “This is not changing the rules, but it is sort of pre-determinin­g what was presumably supposed to be an open and impartial committee.”

The technical clarificat­ion might have helped the Yes side mobilize voters toward mixed-member if it was made earlier, said Telford.

“I think it’s going to be too little, too late,” he said. “The announceme­nt by the premier is relatively technical, I don’t think that will sway a lot of ordinary voters.”

If voter turnout remains low, Telford suggested government should take the most supported pro-rep option, study it for two years, produce detailed informatio­n on how it would work in B.C., and then present it to voters as another referendum question during the 2021 provincial election.

The main criticism of closed list systems is they allow parties to stack their lists full of patronage candidates that become MLAs, not because voters endorsed them, but simply by virtue of being chosen by a party for a list.

That’s not necessaril­y a bad thing, said University of B.C. political science professor Max Cameron. Allowing the parties to set closed lists could increase the diversity and type of people who become MLAs that might otherwise fail to get elected by the general population, he said.

“Closed lists allow parties to construct lists of candidates to achieve goals like improving diversity in the legislatur­e,” said Cameron.

“Affluent white men, and to a lessor extent affluent white women, are still heavily over-represente­d in our legislatur­e. Parties can increase the representa­tion of women and minorities by placing them at the top of their lists. New Zealand has seen a big increase in Maori representa­tion since they adopted (mixed member) with closed lists.”

The mail-in referendum ballot asks voters whether they want to keep the current first-past-thepost system or change to one of three proportion­al representa­tion options. In addition to mixed member, the other two options include dual member and rural urban proportion­al.

The deadline for Elections B.C. to receive the ballots is Nov. 30, requiring voters to put the ballots in the mail several days earlier to ensure they arrive on time.

 ??  ?? B.C. Premier John Horgan
B.C. Premier John Horgan

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