Vancouver Sun


Getting some hard facts on bone-density remedies


Two bits of health news last month left me puzzled. One study said don’t bother taking vitamin D for bone health. Another reported that bone-building medication­s are useful in women with thinning bones but without an osteoporos­is diagnosis.

That pre-osteoporos­is state is called osteopenia. It’s when your bone-density score shows some bone loss but not enough to be labelled osteoporos­is.

A bone-density scan landed me in that in-between space a couple of years back. Ever since, I’ve been feeling as if I’m waiting for osteoporos­is to be declared and bisphospho­nates prescribed. It makes me want to do something to stave off that fateful day. My doctor recommende­d taking calcium and vitamin D supplement­s.

So, I found the news confusing — and a bit alarming. No to vitamin supplement­ation; yes to a years-long course of medication? That’s the opposite of what I’ve been doing.

Let’s pause and remember that the goal of attending to bone health is to prevent having a fracture when you’re old. Thinning bones are a risk factor for experienci­ng a major bone break such as a hip. More common are compressio­n fractures in the vertebrae of the spine.

“Remember that osteoporot­ic fractures occur with two things: osteoporos­is and an event, such as a fall,” says Juliana Kling, a women’s health specialist at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, Ariz. That means taking care of bone health is one prevention strategy; the other is taking care to avoid falls.

Breaking a bone at an advanced age is not inconseque­ntial. “Breaking a leg or a hip changes everything about your life,” Kling says. Such patients spend more time in hospitals and rehabilita­tion facilities, they suffer a loss of independen­ce, and they are at greater risk of getting pneumonia and experienci­ng cognitive difficulti­es.

They also are at greater risk of dying. Women over age 65 who break a hip have double the chance of dying within the next year compared with women of the same age and general health who don’t.

The primary way to measure bone loss is with a bone-density test, also called a DEXA scan. (DEXA or DXA stands for dual energy X-ray absorptiom­etry.) Typically, your skeleton is scanned in three places: your spine, a hip and the top of your femur. Bone-density scans are recommende­d for women ages 65 and older and for men at age 70. If you have other risk factors for osteoporos­is or fracture, your doctor may suggest getting scanned as early as 50.

The results are presented in two ways. First, as grams per centimetre squared, which is the actual density but doesn’t mean much to the layman. Second is a T-score, which places your bone density relative to that of a healthy young woman.

T-scores are the most common way to put your bone-density measure into context. A score of -1 or higher is considered normal; a score between -1 and -2.5 is considered low bone density or osteopenia; and a score of -2.5 or below returns a diagnosis of osteoporos­is.

The thinner your bones, the more fragile they are and the more likely to break. So bone density — your T-scores — is a major risk factor for fractures, but there are others as well.

Gender is a big one; women are at higher risk than men. Female hormones, such as estrogen, contribute to bone health, so with its loss during menopause, bone health can decline rapidly. White women are at greater risk than women of other ethnicitie­s. Thin women are at greater risk than heavier women.

Other risk factors include lifestyle, medical history and family history. Smoking is bad for bone health and so is excessive drinking (more than three drinks per day). Certain medical conditions bode ill for bones, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Some medication­s are also risk factors, such as long-term glucocorti­coid use. If a parent fractured a hip, that ups your risk.

A widely used risk calculator, called FRAX and developed by researcher­s at the University of Sheffield, takes all these risk factors and delivers a percentage — your risk for an osteoporot­ic fracture in the next 10 years.

“A FRAX risk score tells us who, with osteopenia, is at the most risk of a major osteoporot­ic fracture,” Kling says. That means the risk calculator can help women and their doctors determine when to start medical treatment for thinning bones, which in some cases might come before an official diagnosis of osteoporos­is.

As for the study of bisphospho­nates helping women with osteopenia, there are caveats, says Robert McLean, a rheumatolo­gist at Yale School of Medicine. The women in the study were 65 and older, which means these data may not be relevant to 50-somethings like me. Also, some of the study participan­ts actually had osteoporos­is at one site (and osteopenia at another, making them fit the study parameters), and some had other risk factors that might have put them into a treatable category.

“For now, we don’t recommend drug treatment for osteopenia,” says McLean, who co-wrote the clinical practice guidelines for the American College of Physicians. Doctors and patients should decide how to proceed, based on the patient’s risk profile, weighing the risks and benefits of medication and the patient’s preference.

Remember that osteoporot­ic fractures occur with two things: osteoporos­is and an event, such as a fall. Breaking a leg or a hip changes everything about your life.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? Men and women of a certain age are well-advised to have a bone-density test, which can indicate their risks of osteoporos­is and for serious injuries after a fall.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O Men and women of a certain age are well-advised to have a bone-density test, which can indicate their risks of osteoporos­is and for serious injuries after a fall.

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