Vancouver Sun

Consider ‘training’ before going under the knife

Getting your body ready pre-surgery will help in recovery, researcher­s say


These days, people train to get in shape for marathons, weddings and backpackin­g trips. So why not for surgery?

Tens of millions of surgeries are scheduled each year in the United States, and each can result in complicati­ons such as shock, infection or pulmonary issues: A 2012 study citing hospital data from the American College of Surgeons on 551,510 general surgery patients found a complicati­on rate of almost 17 per cent.

Providers at several U.S. hospitals believe better preparatio­n could help patients awaiting elective surgeries — those planned in advance, such as hip replacemen­ts or cosmetic procedures, rather than done in an emergency — avoid those problems. They designed programs to help ensure that patients enter surgery in the best condition possible.

A preoperati­ve program at the Indiana University Health Center “dramatical­ly reduced” hospitalac­quired infections in surgical patients, according to research published in the October Annals of Surgery.

A similar program developed at the University of Michigan “decreased hospital duration of stay, lowered costs of care, and was well accepted by patients,” read a study appearing in the June 2017 issue of Surgery.

“At the University of Michigan, we train every patient who has major in-patient surgery, at least abdominal and thoracic surgery. And the reason we do that is we feel strongly that it helps people to better weather the stressors of surgery,” says Michael Englesbe, a transplant surgeon who started the program.

“The analogy that I usually use is that if you and I were going to run a (5K) race, you wouldn’t do it without preparing — you would prepare, you’d train. A two-hour operation is about as physiologi­cally hard on a patient.”

One key to training is establishi­ng start and stop dates, Englesbe says.

For instance, Michigan patients usually train between two and six weeks until the day before surgery. He explains that about 30 days before is a “bit of a sweet spot” because it allows for ample training time and high patient compliance. The Indiana program can be done in as few as six days, though the more time you have to prepare, “the better you will be,” says William A. Wooden, director of operative services at IU Health.

“I think everyone should train for surgery,” Englesbe says, though if you have problems with falling, he advises consulting your physician about physical activity.

Here are some other steps to consider and discuss with your surgeon even if your facility doesn’t offer a formal program.


Before agreeing to surgery, understand the procedure, benefits and risks, and what recovery will be like, among other key points. “Getting people prepared for surgical pain and the expectatio­ns around it can really help them have better pain care after the operation,” Englesbe says.


Breathing exercises before surgery can help strengthen your lungs and protect against respirator­y complicati­ons.

Ask your doctor which exercises may work best for you. And if you smoke or use tobacco, quitting before surgery (even for just a few weeks) can help your recovery.

“Oxygen is one of the most important things that you need to heal well,” Wooden says. Talk to your doctor if you need help to quit.


To help build your endurance, you can start a walking program at least two weeks before surgery, even if it’s for 20 minutes a day.

Strengthen­ing your core, arms and legs also is helpful. Exercising beforehand can give you a leg up (literally) after the procedure.


“If people are malnourish­ed or dehydrated, they have a greater chance of getting delirium,” says Shelley R. McDonald, part of the research team and an assistant professor of internal medicine in the geriatrics division at Duke University Medical Center, referring to the post-surgical complicati­on (more common among older adults) that can initiate issues such as longer hospital stays.

Make sure you’re drinking enough water and getting good nutrition, especially in the seven to 10 days before surgery, she suggests.

Talk to your surgeon if you have questions, and ask what time before your surgery you should plan to stop eating and drinking.

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