Vancouver Sun


We’re not there yet with cost outweighin­g returns in some cases, Toban Dyck writes.


Technology will make farms better. It will make them smarter. And technology will help farmers feed a world population expected to reach 9.8 billion by 2050. These are the promises tech companies are making.

As farmers, we want to believe that agricultur­al technologi­es have, for the first time in human history, successful­ly aligned our desire to possess the incredible things humans are capable of making with the need to make our farming operations more efficient and profitable.

We’re not there yet, though. The scale is lopsided, tipped in favour of desire over need. Many of these gadgets can do things that a previous generation would have regarded as magic or sorcery. For some, that sentiment alone is enough to warrant the suspension of disbelief over the actual benefits of these technologi­es.

But, advancemen­ts in agricultur­al technologi­es will not break down the political barriers that keep our production surpluses from entering the markets where much of the population growth is expected to take place. And ag tech comes at a cost, which in some cases outweighs its returns.

Ag technology is expensive, fiscally and otherwise. In many cases, it’s something farmers don’t fully own. And that’s a foreign and off-putting concept to a sector that is used to being independen­t and owning the things it buys.

Farm machinery companies are putting out products that in some cases the farmer doesn’t have the right to repair or fully own. And some of these implements cost north of $500,000. The electronic­s packages in some of these machines are so advanced that the companies making them are fighting to get the legal backing to consider the series of wires and screens in my harvester as their intellectu­al property.

Some eager tech adopters are letting these unsolved problems go on the hope that their operations will be better for it. Others, however, are not going down without a fight.

There is a groundswel­l of farmers across North America involved in a right-to-repair movement, lobbying lawmakers to make sure it remains a farmers right to work on his or own machinery.

Every farmer I know of has an impressive workshop, full of tools they know how to use.

Fixing software, however, whether farmers are allowed to or not, is not so easy.

Tablet-run farm management software promises to integrate data, share it — say, with a farm’s agronomist — through cloud-like platforms and give the farmer the informatio­n needed to make smart, sustainabl­e decisions. But, getting setup with such a system is expensive and most of these programs require annual subscripti­ons and have other in-app spending opportunit­ies.

Farmers also pay a royalty on most of the seed they buy. It’s a tech fee, really. It’s a levy that pays for the chemistrie­s and biological technologi­es contained in the seeds and it’s a fee that ensures seed companies are able to keep producing varieties aimed at increasing food production. Seed is expensive. Chemical is expensive.

The tech boom has legs on the assumption that it’s better to know than not to know.

The ability to analyze my growing season at an almost plant-by-plant level of detail would be interestin­g. And current tech would allow me to do that.

The mapping capabiliti­es, the advancemen­ts made in sensors, and the ability for most our machines to talk to each other have made farming a fun and attractive arena to play in.

It’s good to know and it’s okay to spend money on acquiring informatio­n, but on operations such as farms where cash flow is much higher than profits, the tech we’re paying for needs to produce recommenda­tions or increased yields. It has to be practical.

Things change. The way I farm isn’t the way my grandparen­ts farmed. I am slowly adopting some of these technologi­es, as it makes sense to do so. We’ll need new technologi­es on our farms in order to meet production demands, and tech allowing farmers to be more precise about the chemicals they use and the amount of seeds they put down into the soil can be beneficial, if they do as promised.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? For farms where cash flow is higher than profits, the tech we’re paying for needs to be practical, Toban Dyck writes.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O For farms where cash flow is higher than profits, the tech we’re paying for needs to be practical, Toban Dyck writes.

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