Vancouver Sun

Tories attacking migration compact from wrong angle

- Chris selley National Post cselley@nationalpo­

One hundred and sixty-four countries agreed to the UN Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration on Monday in Morocco. And while the ship has long since sailed, in theory, there are quite a few things in there that Canadian conservati­ves might have gotten behind.

Signatory countries “aim to facilitate safe, orderly and regular migration, while reducing the incidence and negative impact of irregular migration.” The Tories have been demanding precisely that along the New York-Quebec border for two years.

Signatory countries support the “eradicatio­n” of human traffickin­g, and internatio­nal co-operation to “facilitate safe and regular cross-border movements of people while preventing irregular migration.” They declare support for various skills-based migration schemes designed to address labour market needs, “including temporary, seasonal, circular, and fast-track programs.”

It’s Tory immigratio­n policy in a nutshell.

Moreover, not only is the document “non-legally binding.” It also “reaffirms the sovereign right of states to determine their national migration policy and their prerogativ­e to govern migration within their jurisdicti­on.”

Of course, there are also quite a few things in the compact of which Canadian conservati­ves might naturally be leery — starting with its very existence. In its 13th paragraph, this 34-page nonbinding document essentiall­y proposes fixing humankind. “Migration should never be an act of desperatio­n,” it declares. “We must work together to create conditions that allow communitie­s and individual­s to live in safety and dignity in their own countries.”

That’s some feat even before you start perusing the list of signatorie­s: Syria, Afghanista­n, South Sudan, Myanmar …

There is no reason for conservati­ves to apologize for their general skepticism of these aspiration­al multilater­al exercises, or of the UN as a general concept. The fact that it’s non-binding — as various Canadian academics joined forces to insist last week — really isn’t a very compelling argument for ratifying it.

Canada’s commitment to multilater­alism transcends parties, but whereas Liberals tend to see signing a non-binding commitment as an accomplish­ment in its own right, Conservati­ves tend to see it as meaningles­s if there’s no followthro­ugh. Again, they’ve nothing to apologize for there. Failure is in no way redeemed by a previous nonbinding commitment not to fail — rather the opposite, in fact. And in the case of the migration compact, Canada is already doing just about everything signatory states are committing to do.

Well, sorry — its defenders insist it commits us to nothing, so we must sign it.

Alas, these aren’t the Tories’ headline objections. They’ve joined other refusenik countries, mostly European, in portraying the compact as an attack on national sovereignt­y. “It gives influence over Canada’s immigratio­n system to foreign entities,” Leader Andrew Scheer said last week. (“Entities” adds an especially conspirato­rial frisson, I think.) “Canadians, and Canadians alone, should make decisions on who comes in our country and under what circumstan­ces.”

Scheer did hit on one valid criticism: that the compact “attempts to influence how our free and independen­t media report on immigratio­n issues.” He refers to paragraph 33(c), which suggests states “promote independen­t, objective and equality reporting … by sensitizin­g and educating media profession­als on migration-related issues and terminolog­y.” It’s gross: There is nothing any government anywhere in the world should do to promote independen­t reporting except allow independen­t reporting to occur.

Yet in the same sentence, Scheer again warned the compact “could open the door to foreign bureaucrat­s telling Canada how to manage our borders.” Former Conservati­ve immigratio­n minister Chris Alexander called it out as nonsense. The most compelling opinion any Tory seems able to muster in support is that of Anne Peters, director of the Max Planck Institute for Comparativ­e Public Law and Internatio­nal Law, who argues the compact is “not legally irrelevant.”

Peters also argues “the compact will not generate legally binding obligation­s,” though, and distinguis­hes it from documents like the UN Declaratio­n on Indigenous Peoples, which eventually found its way into Canadian law (as National Post’s John Ivison recently observed). “In contrast to the Migration Compact, the Indigenous Peoples’ Declaratio­n looks much more like a treaty with short and clearer provisions,” she writes in a blog post at the European Journal of Internatio­nal Law.

In short, the Conservati­ves should have been able to mount a vigorous case against ratifying a document, the best case for which seems to be: “why not?” Instead, fronted wholly unconvinci­ngly by the dimpled and hopelessly inoffensiv­e Scheer, they seem determined to dip a toe in the ongoing battle between globalism and nationalis­m.

It’s not at all convincing. It’s like they’re playing a schoolyard version of the culture war that’s roiling the United States and Europe, confident that Canada’s strong and stable consensus around immigratio­n will prevent it from blowing up for real. I suspect they’re right about that. It’s the same sort of tactic to which Alexander stooped with his “barbaric cultural practices” tip line, for which he has since repented. But it’s unserious at best, and I’ve seen no evidence it’s what Canadians — conservati­ve or otherwise — are looking for.


 ?? FADEL SENNA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES ?? The site of the UN Migration Conference in the Moroccan capital Marrakesh on Sunday.
FADEL SENNA / AFP / GETTY IMAGES The site of the UN Migration Conference in the Moroccan capital Marrakesh on Sunday.
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