Vancouver Sun

Trump says he’s not thrilled with border deal


WASHINGTON • President Donald Trump said Tuesday he’s “unhappy” with a hardwon agreement to prevent a new government shutdown and finance constructi­on of more barriers along the U.S.Mexico border, but he didn’t say he wouldn’t sign the measure. GOP congressio­nal leaders swung behind the proposed deal, selling it as a necessary compromise.

Trump said he doesn’t believe there will be a shutdown, which could have hit hundreds of thousands of federal workers again this weekend. “Everything” is on the table, he said at the White House, but “we certainly don’t want to see a shutdown.”

He said he needs to look further at the agreement, which would grant far less than the $5.7 billion he wants for a long wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

“I can’t say I’m happy. I can’t say I’m thrilled,” he said. But one way or another, he said, “the wall’s getting built.”

Top Republican­s Mitch McConnell in the Senate and Kevin McCarthy in the House both claimed victory, crowing about Democratic concession­s on new border barriers and a late-stage battle over the ability of federal authoritie­s to arrest and detain immigrants living illegally in the U.S.

“You’ve got to remember where Nancy Pelosi was. She has said, ‘No money for a wall.’ That’s not the case,” McCarthy said on CNBC Tuesday. “The Democrats have now agreed to more than 55 miles of new barrier.”

However, negotiator­s said it’s pretty much the deal that Trump could have gotten in December. Aides revealed details under condition of anonymity because the agreement is tentative.

Republican­s and the White House were desperate to avoid another bruising shutdown. They tentativel­y agreed Monday night to far less money for Trump’s border wall than the White House’s $5.7 billion wish list, settling for a figure of nearly $1.4 billion, according to congressio­nal aides. The huge funding measure, which combines seven spending bills into one, runs through the fiscal year, which ends on Sept. 30.

Details might not be released until Wednesday, but the pact came in time to alleviate any threat of a second partial government shutdown this weekend.

At the White House on Tuesday, spokesman Hogan Gidley was noncommitt­al: “We want to focus on what’s actually in the document. Until we see that, it’s going to be very difficult to have a conversati­on about what we will and won’t accept.”

The agreement means 88 kilometres of new fencing, but far less than the 345 km the White House demanded in December.

The split-the-difference­s compromise contains plenty to anger lawmakers on the right and left, but its authors praised it as a genuine compromise that would keep the government open and allow everyone to move on.

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