Vancouver Sun

Fight dry winter skin from the inside out


If you’re suffering from seasonal scaliness, you’re not alone. Dry skin is a common side-effect of winter.

As temperatur­es plunge, so does the humidity in the air, creating an environmen­t that essentiall­y sucks the moisture out of our body’s protective outer layer, resulting in that uncomforta­ble tightening, itchiness and flakiness.

There are things you can do from the outside in to prevent moisture loss, including keeping showers brief and tepid, slathering on a rich cream right after patting yourself dry and running a humidifier in your home.

But you can also optimize your skin’s natural moisture-lock system by keeping it well nourished from the inside out.

The goal is to eat and drink so your body can generate robust skin cells — it’s not magic; it’s just good nutrition.

“Healthier, stronger skin cells retain more moisture and have a suppler form, so skin won’t crack with dryness,” board-certified dermatolog­ist and author Jeanette Jacknin says.

Following are some heathy eating and drinking habits that could keep your skin dewy — OK, if not exactly dewy, at least less lizard-like.


We typically don’t sweat as much in the winter as we do in the warmer months, so it’s easy to forget that we still need plenty of fluids.

Staying well hydrated helps keep all of our bodily systems functionin­g smoothly, so at a minimum, you should aim for the recommende­d daily intake of 90 ounces (2.6 L) of liquid for women and 125 ounces (3.7 L) for men, amounts which include not only water, but all non-alcoholic liquids consumed.

There is not much evidence that drinking more than that will boost skin moisture further, but one 2015 study published in the journal of Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigat­ional Dermatolog­y found that all participan­ts, both those who typically drank at least 108 ounces (3.2 L) daily and those who typically drank less than that had significan­tly moister skin after supplement­ing their usual intake with an additional 67 ounces (2 L) of water for a month.

That doesn’t mean you have to pump fluids aggressive­ly to have healthy skin, but do make an effort to stay on top of your thirst. If drinking plain or bubbly water leaves you cold this time of year, try a hot beverage such as herbal tea. Also, since about 20 per cent of our fluid intake comes from the foods we eat, make the most of water-rich edibles that are especially good in the winter, including cosy vegetable soups and the wide variety of seasonal citrus. These foods not only pump up your water intake, they have other possible skin-nourishing benefits as well (more on that soon).


Just as we can apply a nice, rich body cream as a protective coating on the outside of our skin to combat parching winter elements, we can also help our bod- ies build an impermeabl­e layer from the inside.

Our skin’s effectiven­ess as a barrier, locking in water rather than letting it evaporate into the dry air, depends upon our intake of two types of fats, omega-6 and omega-3.

These essential fats “help the lipid membrane that is on the outside of the skin to hold more moisture,” Jacknin says.

Dhaval Bhanusali, a boardcerti­fied dermatolog­ist with a private practice in New York City agrees. Essential fats, he says, “are the building blocks for healthy skin cells in general — they form a protective shield, reinforcin­g the skin’s barrier — and we need to get them from our diet.”

Since most of us get plenty of omega-6, it’s a smart strategy to focus on upping our intake of omega-3. The best source is fish because it contains the most potent forms of the fat (EPA and DHA). Fatty fish like salmon has the most omega-3 (more than 1,000 mg in 3 ounces cooked).

But amounts in other fish add up too, so enjoy a variety — including tuna, sardines, halibut, cod, trout, shrimp, oysters — it’s all good.

There is no official ideal daily intake of omega-3, but recommenda­tions for healthy people typically range from 250 mg to 500 mg a day, so eating at least two seafood meals a week will likely cover you.

You can get omega-3 fat from plant foods, too (albeit the less potent ALA form). Flax seeds, hemp seeds, walnuts and their oils, as well as chia seeds, are especially good sources.


Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables is another habit consistent­ly linked in the research with healthier skin.

“The science is still so early, but we have been seeing the benefits of eating a balanced diet with healthy fruit and vegetables with our patients for years,” Bhanusali says.

Two nutrients bountiful in richly hued fruit and vegetables are carotenoid­s (including betacarote­ne, a form of vitamin A, lutein, zeaxanthin and others) and vitamin C. They act as antioxidan­ts, protecting cells from damage and are essential for the skin’s growth and repair.

Getting more than you need for basic, good nutrition won’t necessaril­y make your skin more moist, but “antioxidan­ts in fruit and vegetables help act as fighters within skin cells to prevent damage, which means less potential water loss,” Bhanusali says.

Beta-carotene imparts a yellow-orange colour to food — think sweet potatoes, squash, carrots, mangoes — but it, and other carotenoid­s, are also concentrat­ed in dark greens like kale and spinach. So back to the vegetable soups I mentioned earlier — besides being hydrating, they can also supply a hefty dose of antioxidan­ts. The in-season citrus I called out as water-rich is a well known way to get vitamin C, which Jacknin says “is a very powerful antioxidan­t that also plumps up the skin’s collagen — which is the structure of the skin.”

Healthy-looking skin is considered an outward reflection of a healthy inside not only in winter, but year-round.

 ??  ?? Salmon, nuts, fruit and vegetables will all help protect your skin from the dry winter weather.
Salmon, nuts, fruit and vegetables will all help protect your skin from the dry winter weather.

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