Vancouver Sun

Film entertains despite plenty of finger-wagging

Sir plays with rom-com expectatio­ns of the classic ‘happily ever after’ ending


This low-key romance from Indian writer-director Rohena Gera feels at first like a throwback to an American rom-com of the ’80s, with even less skin than in that time period. In a key scene, the male love interest comes upon his maid not in a state of undress, but of dress!

But stick with Sir through its modest hour-and-39-minute runtime and you’ll see that Gera is actually playing with our expectatio­ns of the genre. Without giving away the ending, I can reveal that it’s somewhat open-ended. Happily ever after? Maybe.

Tillotama Shome stars as Ratna, housekeepe­r to wealthy architect Ashwin, played by Vivek Gomber. She calls him “Sir.” Ashwin was about to be married when he decided to call it off and hightail it back to his Mumbai apartment, where he

mopes and watches TV. Ratna has a far more interestin­g story. She was widowed at age the of 19, two months into her marriage, and moved to Mumbai because in her small town, she’s effectivel­y barred from any further romance. But she’s not actively looking for a man; she has aspiration­s to be a clothing designer.

In a nice rom-com reversal, the obligatory dress montage is not trying-on-and-buying but shopping for materials.

Gomber viciously underemote­s as Ashwin, but eventually the sad bachelor starts to develop feelings for the servant. (Duh; she’s there to bring him food and screen calls from his ex-fiancée. What’s not to love?)

His best buddy and even Ratna point out that this is just not done in Indian society, but since when did the heart heed such warnings?

Gera’s previous directing work includes the 2013 arranged-marriage documentar­y What’s Love Got To Do With It? And like her main character she’s got more on her mind here than romance; worked into the plot are comments about job inequity between the sexes, and recognizin­g the importance of education for women, two areas where India is even further behind than North America.

There’s still entertainm­ent behind the finger-wagging, although audiences in (relatively) more enlightene­d markets may have a hard time connecting with the foreign cultural standards on display. But some references are universal. When Ratna’s sister notes that “Sir” reminds her of Brad Pitt — well, you wouldn’t confuse the two on the street, but you still know what she means.

 ?? FILMSWELIK­E.COM ?? Actress Tillotama Shome portrays Ratna, a housekeepe­r who works for a wealthy and moody architect in director Rohena Gera’s new movie Sir. Let the rom-com begin.
FILMSWELIK­E.COM Actress Tillotama Shome portrays Ratna, a housekeepe­r who works for a wealthy and moody architect in director Rohena Gera’s new movie Sir. Let the rom-com begin.

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