Vancouver Sun

Falun Gong T-shirt too political for boat fest?

Ottawa man told to remove Falun Gong top


A Falun Gong practition­er says the CEO of Ottawa’s dragon-boat festival ordered him to take off a T-shirt advertisin­g the Chinese spiritual group, citing in part China’s sponsorshi­p of the popular event.

John Brooman also threatened to have other Falun Gong practition­ers removed from the public park in which the festival took place last month if they didn’t leave voluntaril­y, says Gerry Smith, a retired Nortel Networks employee.

His allegation­s are the latest indication of Beijing’s low-profile campaign to influence Canadian society, even as the two countries remain locked in a tense diplomatic standoff.

China’s interventi­ons here have often concerned the Falun Gong, which it accuses of being a cult, and has persecuted for years according to various human-rights watchdogs.

The Ontario Human Rights Tribunal and other Canadian authoritie­s have said it is a spiritual organizati­on deserving of legal protection.

The Chinese embassy in Ottawa is listed as a “gold sponsor” of the Tim Hortons Ottawa Dragon Boat Festival, which also receives funding from companies and federal, provincial and city government­s.

“If it had been the Chinese embassy, I would not have been surprised,” Smith, 72, told Brooman in a letter about the incident.

“But this is Canada … and Canadians should not be taking directions from the Chinese embassy. You are being used to do their dirty work of covering up horrific crimes.”

Neither the festival CEO nor the embassy could be reached for comment Tuesday.

But in responding to a letter of complaint from the Falun Gong, Brooman said he had had a “good exchange” with Smith and simply stressed that he wanted to avoid politicizi­ng the festival.

“Gerry is a very nice man and I in no way meant to offend him.

“If Gerry felt he was discrimina­ted against during our conversati­on, then I am surprised, and would be prepared to issue an apology for that perception to him directly,” he wrote in an email. “In the meantime, I would reiterate what I told Gerry that we respectful­ly request that any organizati­on not use our event as a platform for advocacy.”

The Falun Gong is known for routinely demonstrat­ing against China, often outside the country’s missions here. According to Smith’s account, however, his encounter with Brooman June 22 had nothing to do with advocacy.

He said he and other Falun Gong practition­ers were doing exercises — an integral part of the group’s practices — in city-owned Mooney’s Bay Park, but well outside the fenced-off area where the three-day festival was unfolding.

At one point, his friend’s son indicated he was hungry, so Smith took him on his own into the festival grounds, found a food concession and bought him a veggie burger.

After sitting down at a picnic table, a man seated nearby who identified himself as Brooman told him to remove his T-shirt, which contained the latin-script words Falun Dafa — another name for the group — and “truthfulne­ss, benevolenc­e, forbearanc­e” in Chinese.

Smith says he was taken aback, but did as he was told. In the discussion that ensued, he says he defended the Falun Gong. Brooman, he says, recounted how he had visited China twice, that the dragon-boat festival was about celebratin­g its culture and the Chinese embassy sponsored the event, which he said involved paying $1 million rent for the city park.

Smith said the CEO did not make an explicit link between the sponsorshi­p and his request regarding the T-shirt, but it seemed obvious.

Gesturing to the walkietalk­ie on his belt, Brooman also asked that Smith have his associates leave the park, though they were outside the fenced-in area, said the retired technologi­st.

“He said, ‘I know your group is out there, and I can have them removed. I can just call and have them removed’,” recounted Smith, who says he started following Falun Gong after meeting a group of practition­ers at Nortel 20 years ago.

He said he complained to the City of Ottawa, which referred his complaint to police.

Officers concluded it was not a criminal matter, but told Smith he could contact private security or police if something similar happened again, a spokeswoma­n for the force said Tuesday.

Falun Gong representa­tive Grace Wollensack said she has no doubt banning practition­ers was a condition of the embassy’s sponsorshi­p, but said the incident was far from isolated.

The Ottawa Tulip Festival, for instance, excluded a Falun Gong band at the last minute in 2008, noting the Chinese embassy was involved in the event. A former Ottawa mayor refused to sign a proclamati­on honouring the group in 2010, after reportedly making a commitment to Chinese officials on a trade visit.

 ??  ?? Gerry Smith wears the Falun Gong T-shirt he says the CEO of Ottawa’s China-sponsored dragon boat festival ordered him to take off.
Gerry Smith wears the Falun Gong T-shirt he says the CEO of Ottawa’s China-sponsored dragon boat festival ordered him to take off.
 ?? ASHLEY FRASER / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? John Brooman, CEO of Ottawa’s dragon boat festival, reportedly sought to remove people from a nearby park.
ASHLEY FRASER / POSTMEDIA NEWS John Brooman, CEO of Ottawa’s dragon boat festival, reportedly sought to remove people from a nearby park.

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