Vancouver Sun

Conference looks at how First Nations can be involved in marijuana industry


The cannabis industry is seen by some First Nations as an opportunit­y to get out of poverty, says the regional chief of the B.C. Assembly of First Nations.

Cultivatin­g, buying or selling cannabis could provide economic support to those First Nations devastated by a downturn in the province’s forest industry, Terry Teegee said Wednesday at a summit on cannabis held by the Assembly of First Nations in Vancouver.

“A lot of the communitie­s are tired of living in poverty,” he said. “It’s an opportunit­y for your community to assert your jurisdicti­on, assert your self-determinat­ion. We want to be a part of the community.”

The two-day First Nations Cannabis Summit was attended by chiefs or their representa­tives from across the country to hear about policy, safety, health, and social and economic developmen­t.

There are varying points of view among First Nations on how involved they want to be in the cannabis industry with some “dead set against it,” while others look at it as an economic developmen­t opportunit­y, Teegee said.

While he doesn’t have statistics on how many First Nations want to be involved in the cannabis industry, Teegee said eight licences out of 122 were given to First Nations in Ontario.

“So in Ontario that’s a real issue because there’s a lot more than eight First Nations interested in having a distributi­on site or cultivatin­g them.”

Teegee said it’s unclear how much money can be made in the industry because there’s been a limited number of licences distribute­d in most of Canada.

“The only one that came out aggressive­ly has been Alberta and that’s why you see Alberta leading the nation in terms of tax revenue,” Teegee said.

Wesley Sam, owner of Nations, an Indigenous-controlled cannabis-production company based in Burns Lake, said one of the main challenges for First Nations is financial backing.

But there is still room for First Nations to get involved in the industry, he said, adding that profits could be used to fund housing or other projects.

Sonia Eggerman, a lawyer with MLT Aikins who has extensive experience with Aboriginal and treaty rights, said federal and provincial regulation­s have cut First Nations out of opportunit­ies to take part in the cannabis industry.

Drew Lafond, also with MLT Aikins, said the key obstacle is lack of meaningful engagement by the federal government to work with First Nations.

“Much like gaming and tobacco, cannabis carries a spiritual connotatio­n, has traditiona­l significan­ce, medicinal significan­ce, plus socio-economic significan­ce,” he said.

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