Vancouver Sun

Facebook has ‘significan­t image problem:’ report

Emerging markets open to digital currency, but not from social media giant

- MURAD MEMMADI For more news about the innovation economy visit

Consumers in emerging markets are willing to use a digital currency issued by a technology company, as long as that company isn’t Facebook, according to a new report.

The study, from Toronto-headquarte­red research firm Riwi and the Finhub at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management, shows that 35 per cent of Indian and 58 per cent of Nigerian respondent­s would use non-traditiona­l money, more than the 29 per cent of U.S. participan­ts. But in all three countries, significan­tly fewer were willing to do so if the currency were issued by Facebook than by a generic tech firm.

The findings suggest that while there is a market for digital currencies like Facebook’s Libra, which is scheduled to launch in the first half of 2020, suspicion of the social media giant may present an opportunit­y for competitor­s — especially in developing economies.

Danielle Goldfarb, Riwi’s head of global research, said North American consumers are less eager to adopt tech firm-created currencies because they already have access to well-establishe­d financial and banking systems. “We experience fewer frictions in Canada and the U.S. … than people in emerging markets,” she said, citing “long-establishe­d legacy payment mechanisms like credit and debit cards.”

However, she said, “the test of the Libra project is really whether there’s a demand in emerging markets.”

Since it was announced in June, Libra has been plagued by controvers­y. It will be governed by the Libra Associatio­n, a Geneva-based non-profit, which was supposed to include 28 founding members. Last week, however, all the major payment firms involved — including Visa, Mastercard and Paypal — dropped out following pressure from members of the Senate and the U.S. Treasury Department’s inquiries about the companies’ respective anti-money-laundering practices.

As Libra Associatio­n members quit, “increasing­ly it looks like Facebook is still in charge, and it always was,” Goldfarb said.

The associatio­n still aims to grow to about 100 members before Libra launches. The sole current Canadian participan­t is the Creative Destructio­n Lab, a startup incubator headquarte­red at Rotman and one of four founding “social impact partners.”

Riwi surveyed 5,068 respondent­s in India (3,040), Nigeria (1,200) and the U.S. (828). Half the respondent­s answered questions about whether they would pay for products and services with a Facebook-issued currency, and the other half about a currency from a technology company in general. The survey did not ask specifical­ly about Libra because the “name does not yet enjoy widespread awareness,” the report states. Participan­ts were also asked which of four concerns about using such coins was their highest priority: data privacy; the money failing to keep its value; a dislike of Facebook or technology companies; and the idea that only government­s should issue money.

There is a particular opportunit­y for digital currencies in emerging markets, where economic and political volatility can make new financial technologi­es like Libra more attractive to consumers, said Goldfarb, who co-authored the paper with Andreas Park, an associate professor at the University of Toronto Mississaug­a’s management department. In India, mobile-wallet app downloads and transactio­ns soared after the government suddenly removed high-value banknotes from circulatio­n in November 2016, although some users have since gone back to cash.

“Places like Nigeria have basically skipped over this credit-card, debit-card period,” said Goldfarb. “They’re leapfrog economies, and they’re really moving toward some of these newer payment systems.” According to the World Bank, there were 4.1 credit cards per thousand adults in Nigeria in 2015, compared to 172.5 e-money accounts — prepaid wallets, often offered through mobile services.

Calibra, Facebook’s new financial services division, is also building a mobile wallet that it will integrate with its Messenger service and its subsidiary Whatsapp to allow users to transfer money at lower rates and to make purchases within the apps. The firm is already working on payments infrastruc­ture in emerging markets — Whatsapp plans to launch a service in India by the end of 2019.

A white paper published by the Libra Associatio­n cites high remittance fees as another problem the digital currency is supposed to address.

The study asked half of the participan­ts whether they were willing to use money issued by a tech company, and the other half about a digital currency issued by Facebook specifical­ly. In each of the three countries, the survey found fewer participan­ts were willing to use the Facebook-issued coin. The company has a “very significan­t image problem,” the report states.

The gap was largest in India. Facebook’s reputation in the country remains damaged by its attempt to launch, which gave users access to a limited number of apps and websites separate from their mobile-data allowances. The Indian government banned the service in February 2016. In the Riwi-rotman survey, more Indian respondent­s listed dislike of Facebook as their main concern about using non-traditiona­l money, rather than worries about data privacy; among Nigerian and American respondent­s that finding was reversed.

Overall, consumers were most concerned about what the firms developing digital currencies would do with their personal informatio­n. Far fewer believed the coins would not retain their value, or that only government­s should have the power to issue money.

But policy-makers have focused heavily on that last issue. EU government­s have expressed “strong concerns” that digital currencies could undermine their sovereignt­y; in September, Calibra head David Marcus tweeted to clarify that Libra is not meant to replace national currencies after he faced questions from the representa­tives of 26 central banks.

Across all three countries in the study, “there’s quite a bit of a backlash against Facebook,” Goldfarb said. The authors found that was true even for respondent­s who already had a Facebook, Instagram and/or Whatsapp account.

 ?? BLOOMBERG ?? Wariness over Facebook’s digital currency Libra, which is scheduled to launch next year, may present an opportunit­y for competitor­s, especially in developing economies.
BLOOMBERG Wariness over Facebook’s digital currency Libra, which is scheduled to launch next year, may present an opportunit­y for competitor­s, especially in developing economies.
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