Vancouver Sun

Goodell’s role in player discipline could be key to new labour deal

Many NFL owners willing to reduce commission­er’s far-reaching authority


NFL owners emerged from their annual fall meeting this week in Fort Lauderdale, Fla., with many of them still willing to reduce Roger Goodell’s authority in player discipline and to make concession­s to the players’ union on the sport’s marijuana policy as part of a push for an agreement on a new labour deal by March.

The level of support for such concession­s to the players in the labour negotiatio­ns was characteri­zed as strong by several people familiar with the sentiments of ownership.

It’s not clear if such concession­s would lead the NFL Players Associatio­n to agree to other changes, such as the owners’ push for a 17game regular season or the overall division of revenue between the two sides under the salary cap.

According to those familiar with the owners’ views, a large number remain willing to allow players’ appeals of discipline for off-field misbehavio­ur to be resolved by a neutral arbitrator. Goodell would retain the authority to resolve appeals of discipline related to integrity-of-the-game issues.

Players and NFLPA leaders have been critical in the past of Goodell’s near-complete authority in player discipline. The NFLPA went to federal court in disciplina­ry cases involving Tom Brady in the Deflategat­e scandal and Dallas Cowboys running back Ezekiel Elliott involving allegation­s of domestic violence. But in both cases, Goodell’s authority ultimately was reinforced by the court proceeding­s.

It’s not clear, though, how important the discipline issue is to the players’ side in the CBA negotiatio­ns. In previous sets of labour negotiatio­ns, that issue hasn’t been enough of a priority to lead the union to make significan­t concession­s in other areas.

Likewise, it’s not clear how meaningful any concession­s on the marijuana policy would be at the bargaining table. Owners are willing to make that policy less punitive, according to those with knowledge of ownership views. The league and union already have formed a pain management committee to study, among other topics, the use of marijuana for pain management.

Goodell and Pittsburgh Steelers owner Art Rooney acknowledg­ed

Wednesday in Fort Lauderdale that owners are seeking to lengthen the regular season from 16 to 17 games. That would be accompanie­d by a reduction of the pre-season and possibly by an expansion of the NFL playoff field from 12 to 14 teams. The NFLPA vehemently opposed a longer regular season during the negotiatio­ns leading to the 2011 labour deal and appears to have remained so during this round of bargaining.

The league and players are said to have made relatively little progress thus far toward resolving the central economic issue of the division of revenue. Representa­tives of the two sides have been meeting in hopes of avoiding another work stoppage like the lockout that preceded the 2011 deal. That 10-year deal runs through the 2020 season. There has been speculatio­n about the possibilit­y of a deal before season’s end, but some within the league seem to regard March as a more realistic target.

“The discussion­s have been consistent,” Goodell said Wednesday. “We’ve had very open dialogue. We all know the various issues. I think it’s been productive. I don’t know how to gauge when or how soon.

“I’m hopeful we all see the benefits of doing something earlier and that we can get something done.”

The discussion­s have been consistent. We’ve had very open dialogue. We all know the various issues. I think it’s been productive.

 ??  ?? Roger Goodell
Roger Goodell

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