Vancouver Sun

Onward Christian spirit

Being boring is a sin, actor says

- MARK DANIELL Twitter: @markhdanie­ll

In his decades-long career, Oscar-winning actor Christian Bale has undergone dramatic weight changes to play a variety of roles. When he signed up to portray the slender race car driver Ken Miles in Ford v Ferrari, he had to shed the 70 pounds he’d gained to play Dick Cheney in Vice.

Q What was it about this David vs. Goliath-type story that clicked with you?

A In essence, it’s all about the triumph of these misfits having completely unrealisti­c dreams, but just passionate­ly pursuing them. And how when these incredible events happen ... it always comes down to these rather eccentric, somewhat unrealisti­c individual­s who really move the world forward and achieve progress.

Q What was the training regimen like to be able to drive these cars?

A Well, let’s not get carried away. The racing sequences would not have been some of the best I’ve ever seen if it was just me driving the whole time ... I did as much as I could. I spun that thing out a bunch of times from pushing it too hard. But it was exhilarati­ng beyond belief.

Q You’ve played several real-life characters. What’s the appeal?

A I love the research and being able to access a person’s history ... I actually find it quite liberating playing a real-life person. I know that sounds wrong, but it’s been my discovery.

Q You’ve been acting for more than 30 years. If one of your old movies comes on, which do you stop to watch?

A I always feel a little embarrasse­d to do that. If you walked into my house, you wouldn’t be able to tell I had anything to do with film. But what you’re asking doesn’t really happen at all. I usually just watch whatever my kids have on.

Q What film of yours are you particular­ly fond of that didn’t get its due?

A I would say Hostiles and Out of the Furnace — two Scott Cooper films ... I loved The Machinist and that is really dear to me, as well. Harsh Times. Those are ones that in my understand­ing, about two people went to see.

Q Your big break came when you were 13 in Empire of the Sun. Your dreams came true pretty early on.

A I only had one dream. I wanted to get on a motorcycle and disappear and travel around the world. I have yet to do that, but I will one day. But acting was something I think all kids do naturally, however, it become something that sort of came my way in a very fortunate moment. My dad had just become quite ill and we were going through tough times, sleeping on friends’ couches and stuff like that. Suddenly I became the breadwinne­r. So acting became a real lifesaver for me and my family. But I have to confess, it was never a dream of mine whatsoever.

Q What’s the best advice you ever got?

A Being boring is a sin.

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Christian Bale

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