Vancouver Sun



ACROSS 1 Baby soother 5 Internet hookup 10 Mouths, slangily 14 Two-piece cookie 15 Skybox locale

16 Jai — 17 Ominous sign 18 Docks 19 Roulette color 20 Melodious 22 Salt cellars 24 Flat-needled tree

25 Dot in the Seine 26 Needs oil 30 Rabbit ears 34 Contented sound 35 Teenage 37 Laundry need

38 Avg. size 39 Part of TGIF 40 Ladle

41 “The Clan of the Cave Bear” author 43 Latin dance music 45 Find a buyer 46 Long and tiresome 48 Diplomat’s post 50 Zig’s opposite 51 Face the target 52 Fiesta fixtures 56 Ushers 60 Skunk’s defense 61 Film purchases 63 Wiener schnitzel base 64 Tennyson’s title

65 Tape over 66 Livy’s year 67 Shade trees 68 Painter of ballerinas 69 Light pink wine

DOWN 1 Cat’s-paw 2 Roman legion 3 Nasty look 4 Pine or cedar 5 Foolish talk 6 By word of mouth 7 Rec room 8 Comes to a halt 9 Fixing potatoes 10 Northerner­s 11 Succulent plant 12 Pants purchase 13 Gawain and Lancelot 21 Spy org. 23 Neighbor of CTRL 26 Jack who ate no fat 27 Single-file line 28 Egged on 29 Divans

30 Cordial flavoring 31 Bumps 32 Does perfectly 33 Fill out a form 36 Website 42 Geckos 43 Like some doughnuts 44 Compiles 45 Russian teamaker 47 Breakfast grain

49 Pen brand 52 Barbershop sign 53 Statue of a god 54 Yardstick 55 Like some losers 56 Designer — Schiaparel­li 57 Nevada town 58 Pantyhose shades

59 — gin fizz 62 Fail to maintain the pace

 ??  ??

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