Vancouver Sun


- Melissa Hank

How can you even think about sparking joy when so much about life right now sparks fear or melancholy? Naturally, organizing expert Marie Kondo recommends declutteri­ng, which she says can help you calm down and gain perspectiv­e on what your needs are if you’re at home practising self-isolation. For instance, getting rid of expired goods and then neatly arranging what’s left should keep you from ransacking the grocery store.

“Calmly assessing, that is vital,” Kondo tells Quartz. “It’s not knowing that creates even more spirals of anxiety and fear.” And as for overbuying staples like bathroom tissue? Kondo advises considerat­ion for others. “How much toilet paper do you reasonably need?” she asks. “Stocking our pantry with too much creates this problem of not having enough for everyone. I think it’s very important to ask these questions.”

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