Vancouver Sun

20 businesses in Metro Vancouver open to serve you

These local companies are continuing to provide goods and services for customers


From concerns over the health of ourselves and our loved ones, to uncertaint­y about the future, the COVID-19 pandemic has brought dramatic changes to how we live our lives.

Businesses and service groups in and around our city have also been dealt a severe blow by both physical distancing requiremen­ts and concerns about virus transmissi­on.

The outbreak has forced many small businesses to reimagine how they operate as they adapt to the societal shift brought on by the pandemic. Many have shifted the bulk of their services to the digital world, offering expanded online services and door-to-door or curbside delivery while bolstering their own cleaning protocols.

These businesses are finding innovative ways to serve their loyal customers despite the many challenges facing them.

Here are some doing their part in this uncertain time.

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