Vancouver Sun


- bobby wolff

“To enjoy good health, to bring true happiness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s own mind. If a man can control his mind, he can find the way to Enlightenm­ent, and all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

— Buddha

Declarer can often keep control of a hand by not releasing his master trumps. Another way to prepare for a bad break is to play first on a side suit. Most players know in principle that when the trump situation is delicate, it is a mistake to allow an opponent to win the lead and play a master trump. So an expert would not go wrong on today’s hand. South played in four hearts after West had opened one spade and North had made a takeout double. Declarer won the spade lead, cashed the top hearts and played three rounds of diamonds, discarding a spade. West did not oblige by ruffing, so South led a fourth diamond, and again West allowed it to win. That was the end of declarer’s party: West took the first round of clubs, drew two rounds of hearts and made three spade tricks, putting declarer three down.

South could have afforded to lose two hearts and a club; his mistake was to give West a chance to draw trumps. After winning the spade, declarer should cash just one top trump, then take the discard he needs on the third diamond. If West declines to ruff, the next step is to drive out the club ace. West can win and force declarer with a spade, but then comes the second top heart, and at that point declarer can simply play on side suits. The rest of the hand is under control, and the defenders score their two trump tricks and club ace, but no more. Dummy will have trump control at the critical moment.


Rather than swing for the fences, bid two spades. Passing is tempting, but it would be a shot in the dark. Not only are your heart honors under the gun, but your slow spade tricks may not be pulling their full weight on defense. Rebid your good spade suit and try to be a hero on the next deal.

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