Vancouver Sun

‘It was just meds and lock him up’


- National Post Staff

The cordless land line in the locked forensic ward of the Selkirk Mental Health Centre north of Winnipeg barely rang once last Monday morning before Joey Wiebe snatched it to his ear. He was out of breath, agitated. The nurses had just injected him, he said. It was a precursor shot that would calm him before the heavy duty one into his thick leg muscle. He was not going to take it willingly, though. He would resist, just like the other times.

Wiebe was in despair. He has had suicidal thoughts and engaged in self-harm cutting as recently as this month, according to him and a source with direct knowledge. He has been kept in a special seclusion room, apart and alone in the 252-bed facility since being returned in July from a brief stint in jail, after staff searched his room and found a cellphone, a THC vape pen, and a radio antenna they considered a weapon. He was not charged, but his parole, over threat and dangerous weapon conviction­s from 2018, was suspended. But then his formal sentence expired in late July, so he was admitted back again to Selkirk.

It is a hopeless whirligig pattern that dates back to his first admission in 2002, and has no obvious end in sight. Wiebe was describing his frustratio­n at enforced isolation when the line abruptly clicked dead.

“He can’t be using the phone now, sorry,” a staff member said when a reporter called back to the same extension of the main Selkirk number that Wiebe had been calling from over several previous days, each time calm and cogent. The call “wasn’t authorized,” she said, but maybe he could talk tomorrow.

As it turned out, he could not. What was happening, according to a staff member at the facility, was that Wiebe, who is not psychotic, was being injected with a powerful long-lasting antipsycho­tic tranquilli­zer to which he had refused consent. According to the staff member, he was being chemically restrained against his will. The next day, he would be in jail again.

Earl Joel “Joey” Wiebe, 37, was found not criminally responsibl­e on account of mental disorder for the May 2, 2000, second-degree murder of Candis Moizer, 39, his stepmother, on her acreage near Niverville, Manitoba. He was 17 at the time, but tried in adult court on the sole issue of his mental state, with evidence about his fascinatio­n with Nazism, Satanism and the Mafia, and the trauma of witnessing his father abuse his biological mother over many years.

Expert witnesses described the killing as the result of a psychotic episode related to borderline personalit­y disorder. In the middle of the night, he choked Moizer, slit her throat, tried to burn down the house, wrote a note of apology, took his stepsister away in a truck and presented himself to police almost immediatel­y.

Two decades later, as an involuntar­y mental patient trying in vain to escape medicine that a source familiar with his care alleged was being used to control him, not treat him, Wiebe may be representa­tive of a serious systemic problem in mental health law, according to a legal expert. Patients like Wiebe, who some say can neither be effectivel­y treated nor safely released, neither helped nor punished, instead get stuck in forensic psychiatri­c limbo, in Wiebe’s case for far longer than any second-degree murder prison term. It is a different kind of life sentence.

Seclusion and restraint, whether mechanical like being strapped to a bed, chemical like being injected with tranquilli­zers, or environmen­tal like being confined to a seclusion room, is an “extremely troubling area that right now requires a lot of scrutiny,” said Anita Szigeti, a leading Ontario mental health lawyer, and co-author with Michael Davies of the new book, A Guide to Mental Disorder Law in Canadian Criminal Justice.

“For accused persons in the Review Board system, nothing that happens to them is lawfully punitive, because the system is not about punishment,” said Szigeti, who is not involved in Wiebe’s case. She says restraint in general “poses risks of injury or death, and is never justified as a punishment … Everything is meant to be therapeuti­c.”

Wiebe has seen it all, over and over again, rotating between seclusion room and prison cell for two decades, as he repeatedly commits crimes like mischief, assault and uttering threats, then pleads guilty or violates terms of release in order to escape hospital for what he sees as the comparativ­e freedom and comfort of jail, where they do not force medication.

In 2012, he was sentenced to fully five years in federal penitentia­ry but still ended up back in Selkirk.

“It’s so horrible in here,” Wiebe said on the phone that Monday. “They don’t offer you your dignity. You don’t have the same rights and liberty you have in jail.”

Right after he said this, hospital staff came for him, and hung up the phone.

Wiebe had previously indicated he would resist the knockout injection. He is alleged to have caused such a scene on that Monday that the police were called. He allegedly kicked a seclusion room door, breaking a lock, which let him into a hallway with a locked door onto the main patient area. Police allege he damaged a window with a magnet from the broken lock. It is alleged that during the restraint and injection, a nurse’s assistant was injured so badly he was hospitaliz­ed.

This behaviour was extreme but familiar to those who had to deal with it, both clinicians and police.

Selkirk RCMP took Wiebe into custody and charged him just as their 24-hour window expired on the following Tuesday afternoon. By Wednesday morning, he was in video court from the Winnipeg Remand Centre, represente­d by lawyer Saheel

Zaman, facing charges of prison breach and mischief over $5,000, still under the powerful neurolepti­c effects of the antipsycho­tic drug zuclopenth­ixol, according to an employee of Selkirk Mental Health Centre, who was involved with Wiebe’s treatment until recently.

“It makes you tired until you sleep and you just sleep for three days,” Wiebe said in the phone call last Monday. He called it “Super Haldol,” after the common schizophre­nia drug. It leaves him with barely the ability to eat before crashing again. “It’s horrible. It feels like a clenching, your whole nervous system is clenching.”

The charge of “prison breach” refers to the unproven police allegation he broke out of a seclusion room with intent to escape, according to Zaman. Mischief refers to the door and window. There is no charge in relation to the allegation­s of an injured staff member, but Zaman said a prosecutor is determinin­g whether to lay an aggravated assault charge. Wiebe has not yet had a bail hearing.

Bail would likely mean a


return to Selkirk, Zaman said. Just like the other times.

The hospital staffer said Wiebe is not psychotic. His working diagnoses are borderline personalit­y disorder and anti-social personalit­y disorder, and there is long-standing dispute over these, according to the source. Neither are treated with zuclopenth­ixol, so his injection on Monday was less medicine than security-related tranquilli­zation, the source said, adding that Wiebe has been threatened with the injection before, and most recently had it administer­ed in July after a similar episode of kicking a door, leading to a report to police but not charges.

“It’s sort of hanging over his head that if he gets out of line again, then that’s what’s going to happen,” said the whistleblo­wer staffer, whom the National Post has agreed not to identify. “They don’t know how to treat him, so it just tends to be punitive.”

Both the anonymous source and the lawyer Zaman spoke to the Post with Wiebe’s permission.

“Decision makers are human,” the legal expert Szigeti said. Long-term detainees in the Review Board system can come to seem recalcitra­nt, incorrigib­le, hopeless. “In a way the system gives up because the system is mad at them, and it shouldn’t be.”

In February this year, Manitoba’s Review Board recommende­d transferri­ng Wiebe to another facility, either Waypoint in Penetangui­shene, Ont., or the Regional Psychiatri­c Centre in Saskatoon. That has been discussed for years.

Selkirk Mental Health Centre’s CEO James Wasio declined to be interviewe­d. Tammy Sawatzky, a public affairs specialist with the Manitoba government, emailed this statement: “As per the Personal Health Informatio­n Act, we do not provide specific informatio­n about an individual. I can note that any decisions about care are made by the individual’s health care provider on a case-bycase basis.”

In court documents, filed in defence of a 2017 civil action by Wiebe alleging many breaches of his Charter rights, including “abusively” using solitary confinemen­t, lawyers for the Manitoba government said Selkirk Mental Health Centre “at all times provided a level of privileges to (Wiebe) that was reasonable and commensura­te with the risk that he presented.” They denied negligence and Wiebe’s other complaints. That lawsuit has not progressed.

This tension in Wiebe’s case between therapy and confinemen­t — in effect between hope and despair — illustrate­s some of the forensic mental health system’s deepest problems.

For some, it works. Vince Li, for example, who committed the horrific 2008 killing of Tim McLean on an intercity bus while psychotic due to schizophre­nia, was assisted back to mental health at Selkirk until an absolute discharge in 2017. That is what psychiatri­c medicine can do for schizophre­nia and bipolar disorder and other conditions that most often come before the criminal courts.

But personalit­y disorders like Wiebe’s are different, involving pathologic­al manipulati­on and resistance to authority.

“Psychiatry doesn’t have an answer for it, so it doesn’t try to do much,” as Szigeti put it. People with personalit­y disorders “get stuck.”

The years ticked by for Wiebe, marked by conflict. He was charged with threats a few months after he was first admitted in 2002, went to jail, came back. In 2009, for example, he was found to have been in a sexual relationsh­ip with a female staff member, and possessed contraband including a hunting knife, razor blades and empty liquor bottles. Placed in seclusion, he started a fire with his clothes, setting off an alarm that unlocked all the doors in the secure forensic unit, releasing all the patients to much consternat­ion. Again, he was charged criminally, jailed and returned a few months later, placed again in seclusion. The pattern repeated. One time, he put the annotated Criminal Code in a pillowcase and broke a sprinkler, setting off the fire alarm again.

The staffer described a “bias” that has developed against him at Selkirk, and how he has no real treatment plan, just a behavioura­l management plan.

In 2012, Wiebe’s psychiatri­st at Selkirk wrote to Manitoba’s Mental Health Review Board: “Mr. Wiebe has deeply compromise­d any type of trusting, positive, therapeuti­c alliance he had with the treatment staff and currently, treatment staff are interactin­g with him with the presumptio­n that he is capable of highly manipulati­ve behaviour.”

“It was just meds and lock him up,” said the staffer. Given his extensive isolation and associated traumatic memories, the source claimed these latest periods of isolation provided no therapeuti­c value and had no justificat­ion under the hospital’s policy, but were instead “absolutely cruel.”

“He’s served more than a life sentence because he doesn’t have an illness that’s treatable with medication like everything else,” the source said. This appears to be Manitoba’s problem with Wiebe, for whom the failure of psychiatri­c care becomes hopeless indefinite confinemen­t.

In 2017, Wiebe’s trial lawyer, the prominent criminal defender Greg Brodsky, wrote in the Manitoba Law Journal that Wiebe seemed to have committed crimes in order to get out of solitary confinemen­t in Selkirk and into prison, which he found more agreeable. A pattern emerged.

“Despite his best efforts, Earl Joel Wiebe’s recurring challenge was that at the conclusion of each criminal sentence, he was returned to a forensic hospital,” he wrote. “This is not what the average member of the public envisions when they think of an NCR verdict.”

Brodsky’s warning to criminal lawyers was that they “should not be so quick to move to find their clients not criminally responsibl­e. People do not ‘get off’ when they are found not criminally responsibl­e. Clients are remanded into custody and their liberty can be affected far more effectuall­y than by a prison sentence.”

Wiebe may view his latest charges and the promise of prison as some sort of respite, but the National Post has not spoken to him since the phone cut out a week ago. His lawyer said he is physically OK, but would not comment on the zuclopenth­ixol.

For now Wiebe remains in the Remand Centre, waiting for his bail hearing. “His life has been a tragedy,” said the staffer.

 ?? CHRIS PROCAYLO / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES ?? Earl “Joey” Wiebe, who has a personalit­y disorder, has been kept in a special seclusion room at the Selkirk Mental Health Centre since his jail sentence ended in July.
CHRIS PROCAYLO / POSTMEDIA NEWS FILES Earl “Joey” Wiebe, who has a personalit­y disorder, has been kept in a special seclusion room at the Selkirk Mental Health Centre since his jail sentence ended in July.
 ??  ?? Earl Joel Wiebe was found not criminally responsibl­e on account of mental disorder for the second-degree murder of his stepmother in May 2000.
Earl Joel Wiebe was found not criminally responsibl­e on account of mental disorder for the second-degree murder of his stepmother in May 2000.

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