Vancouver Sun

Henry set to issue guidelines on safe Halloween this year

- DAVID CARRIGG — with files from Rob Shaw

The B.C. government is unlikely to ban Halloween this year, according to provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry.

On Wednesday, Henry said that she had fielded dozens of questions from children over the past few weeks wondering if this year Halloween would be allowed.

“Yes, absolutely,” Henry said. “I think we can have Halloween this year. It’s just going to look like everything is looking different during this pandemic.”

Henry said her office was working on Halloween guidelines, noting this year the event will fall on a Saturday (Oct. 31).

“I really think we need to think about small groups, not having somebody come into your house but having maybe the neighbourh­ood doing things at the end of the driveway, having pre-packaged treats for kids.”

Henry reported 100 new cases of COVID-19 and no deaths.

There are now 1,378 active cases of the disease in the province, with 37 of those cases being treated in hospital including 15 in intensive care. There have been 213 COVID-related deaths in B.C.

Henry said there were 3,101 people in self-isolation after being potentiall­y exposed to the disease.

She said there had been fresh outbreaks at two health care facilities: the Royal Arch Masonic Home long-term care facility in Vancouver and the Milieu Children and Family Services Society community living facility in the Fraser Health region. This is the second outbreak at the Royal Arch home, with the first one leading to 12 deaths. There are 13 fresh cases at the Milieu group home.

Sixteen of the 100 new cases reported Wednesday were in health care facilities, including 10 staff. In total, 12 long-term care or assisted-living facilities and three acute-care facilities have active outbreaks. Henry said there had been no new community outbreaks, although there continue to be community exposure events.

Alerts are posted on the B.C. Centre for Disease Control’s website, and on health authoritie­s’ websites.

On Wednesday, Vancouver Coastal Health reported four more potential COVID-19 exposures. They were at the Athens Cultural Club, at 114 West Broadway between Aug. 26 and Sept. 8 during operating hours; the West Pub in the Downtown Eastside between Aug. 20 and Sept 8 during business hours; the Flying Beaver Bar and Grill in Richmond between Aug. 28 and Sept. 3 during operating hours; and the You Plus One electronic music event in Downtown Vancouver the night of Aug. 29 and in the early morning hours of Aug. 30.

 ?? CHAD HIPOLITO/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Premier John Horgan, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, and health minister Adrian Dix lay out the province’s fall pandemic preparedne­ss plan in Victoria on Wednesday.
CHAD HIPOLITO/THE CANADIAN PRESS Premier John Horgan, provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry, and health minister Adrian Dix lay out the province’s fall pandemic preparedne­ss plan in Victoria on Wednesday.

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