Vancouver Sun

Who really inspired 007's wacky spy tricks and gadgets?

Bond films have given MI6 a reputation for gadgetry, but the real inspiratio­n for Fleming's Q lies elsewhere


Think of James Bond and immediatel­y the wacky tricks and gadgets of Ian Fleming's fictionali­zed MI6 come to mind: a bagpipe flame-thrower, tickertape watches, X-ray glasses and a helicopter in a suitcase.

The real MI6, correctly titled the Secret Intelligen­ce Service or SIS, prefers to think of itself as a much more sober outfit. This was even reflected in the 2012 instalment, Skyfall, when 007 grumbles about the paltry gun and radio he's just been handed, saying “not exactly Christmas.”

Q, Bond's quartermas­ter, the cyber nerd in charge of all the technology for the operatives of Her Majesty's Secret Service, replies:

“What were you expecting, an exploding pen? We don't really go in for that sort of thing anymore.”

But getting caught hiding a listening device in a fake rock hidden in a Moscow park in 2006 gave some hint that the fact is just as strange as the fiction.

What is less well known, however, is that the gadgets actually came not from MI6, but from the espionage agency's less glamorous cousin, MI9.

The accepted role of MI9 was to help recover service personnel trapped behind enemy lines, or assist those attempting to escape from German custody during the Second World War. MI9 designed special equipment to hide escape aids.

Hidden compartmen­ts in pipes, buttons and shaving brushes contained compasses, money was concealed in toothpaste tubes and notes were passed inside playing cards.

Prisoners in German camps were allowed to receive letters and parcels from home. They were even permitted to have board games sent out to relieve boredom. Waddington­s, the games manufactur­er, produced a special Monopoly set with escape and evasion devices hidden in the pieces.

Knights used on chess boards were modified to hide a watertight compartmen­t in which special ink would be hidden, for making forged documents.

MI9 also arranged for grey woollen blankets to be sent to prisoners. Some had the complete pattern of an item of clothing printed on them in invisible ink. The design was revealed only once the blanket had been dipped in a bucket of water containing certain chemicals smuggled in separately in jam pots or tins of dried milk. Flexible wire saws, known as Gigli saws and capable of cutting through inch-thick steel bars, were hidden in shoelaces.

Boots for RAF airmen had small knives concealed to enable the legging to be cut away, leaving only black shoes that could pass as civilian footwear. The heel of the boot contained silk maps, a compass and a small file. MI9 had to abandon the “escape boots,” as they were known, since they were not warm enough during winter flights and became waterlogge­d in heavy rain.

The idea of ingenious gadgets and spyware has passed into folklore as belonging to MI6. However, Ian Fleming, author of the James Bond novels, would have developed the ideas for his inventions from MI9, for which he recruited men and women from Naval Intelligen­ce during the war.

The wartime escape and evasion gadgets were called “Q,” derived from quartermas­ter, provider of supplies and provisions.

It is likely Fleming took the idea of the gadgets and the term “Q” and built his character in the Bond novels around Christophe­r Clayton Hutton (affectiona­tely known as “Clutty”) and Charles FraserSmit­h, the two men responsibl­e for designing the Q items.

 ??  ??
 ?? UNITED ARTISTS ?? The seeds for Ian Fleming's weapons for James Bond would have originally been developed by M19, tasked with helping recover service personnel behind enemy lines.
UNITED ARTISTS The seeds for Ian Fleming's weapons for James Bond would have originally been developed by M19, tasked with helping recover service personnel behind enemy lines.
 ?? METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER ?? A bagpipe flame-thrower was featured in the James Bond film, The World Is Not Enough.
METRO-GOLDWYN-MAYER A bagpipe flame-thrower was featured in the James Bond film, The World Is Not Enough.
 ?? CARL COURT/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES ?? A gadget from the Aston Martin used by Sean Connery when he played James Bond.
CARL COURT/AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES A gadget from the Aston Martin used by Sean Connery when he played James Bond.

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