Vancouver Sun



When Premier John Horgan took the wraps off his economic recovery plan this week, he tried to leave the impression the entire

$1.5 billion was ready to go out the door.

“Absolutely, these dollars are approved,” the premier told reporters Thursday.

“The increase in the budget was ratified in the legislatur­e. Treasury Board, which keeps tabs on government spending in the interests of the public, has gone through every chapter, every page. The monies are approved, ratified and they're going out the door as quickly as possible.”

But Horgan also confirmed that he was still mulling an early election call.

What if key ministers had to put their portfolios on hold, as happens during an election, and spend the ensuing weeks campaignin­g for re-election?

Not to worry, replied Horgan. “Now it's up to the profession­al public service. It's about implementa­tion and that is always involving the public service and involving those officials and businesses to make applicatio­ns, the applicatio­ns will be ratified and go out the door.”

Finance Minister Carole James echoed the premier. Municipali­ties could begin collecting their grants. Businesses could start planning based on promised tax cuts. The ready-to-go rule would even apply to the work of a 10-member task force on the tourism economy.

“The task force has a $50-million fund to be able to spend on their initial recommenda­tions,” said James. “They can look long term, but they actually have a $50-million fund they will be able to utilize immediatel­y.”

But for all the assurances from Horgan and James, it remains to be seen whether the flow of dollars will be as steady as they suggest in the event of an election call.

Once the writ drops the government is supposed to switch to caretaker mode, a long-standing convention that applies to ministers and public servants alike.

The rationale for the caretaker convention was well explained in guidelines issued on the eve of the last federal election by the head of Canada's public service.

“The legitimacy of the government flows from its ability to command the confidence of the House of Commons,” it reads in part. “Following the dissolutio­n of parliament for an election, however, there is no elected chamber to confer confidence on the government. Given this fact, and that the government cannot assume that it will command the confidence of the house after the election, it is incumbent upon a government to act with restraint during an election period.”

By observing the caretaker convention, the government as a whole and public servants collective­ly demonstrat­e “their respect for the democratic will of the people.”

The convention does not mean that government will be paralyzed for the duration of the campaign.

“To the contrary,” the federal guidelines continue, “the routine operation of government must continue and necessary business must be transacted. In the event of emergencie­s, such as natural disasters, the government must have a free hand to take appropriat­e action to ensure that the public interest, notably the safety and security of Canadians, is preserved.”

But otherwise: “Government activity in matters of policy, expenditur­e and appointmen­ts should be restricted to matters that are routine, non-controvers­ial or urgent, and in the public interest.”

There is also the option of seeking the approval of the Opposition parties, where the decision simply cannot wait.

Some other cautionary points from the federal guidelines: “Ministers must defer to the extent possible such matters as appointmen­ts, policy decisions, new spending or other initiative­s, announceme­nts, negotiatio­ns or consultati­ons, non-routine contracts and grants and contributi­ons.

“They must work with deputy ministers to ensure that routine department­al activities are carried out in a low-profile manner.”

Ministers and senior public servants “must be especially vigilant with respect to the distinctio­n between official government business and partisan political activities, taking care to avoid even the appearance that department­al and portfolio resources are being used for campaign purposes.” Moreover “there should be heightened vigilance to ensure that contracts and grants and contributi­ons are not used for partisan purposes.”

Though similar guidelines have not been made public here in B.C., I gather the rules would be similar in the event that Premier Horgan decides to call an early election.

The government would face significan­t challenges, given the unique circumstan­ces of a five-week election campaign in the midst of the biggest health care crisis in provincial history.

Ministers who are running for re-election are supposed to maintain a low profile and minimize decision making. But that won't be easy for ministers with as much on their plates as Adrian Dix (Health) and Rob Fleming (Education). Public servants are supposed to exercise caution in approving grants, contributi­ons and other spending initiative­s, avoiding controvers­y and any suspicion of partisan preference.

I wouldn't envy them having to respect those principles when the hard-driving premier is on record as saying the entire $1.5-billion economic recovery plan is ready “to go out the door.”

The caretaker convention is an important principle in our system of government — a check on partisan abuses while the voters decide who should form the next government. Then again, for the past two decades, fixed election dates have checked the power of premiers to manipulate the timing of elections for partisan purposes.

If John Horgan is prepared to throw one principle under the bus, who knows what others might be within striking distance of his political ambitions.

The caretaker convention is ... a check on partisan abuses while the voters decide who should form the next government.

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