During these unprecedented times, when our homes have become the one safe place where we can relax and spend time, many of us have discovered the power of surrounding ourselves with plants, both indoors and out. Even the tiniest balcony or patio can be transformed into an autumn oasis with the addition of compact, colourful containers or even small, narrow trees.
In a few days, a new season begins, and what better way to celebrate one of the most colourful times of the year than by replacing tired summer annuals with beautiful, autumn-toned plants.
Recently, I wrote about the relatively new concept of fall hanging baskets being created by an innovative grower, but you can easily design your own by using evergreen perennials and trailing plants. Summer containers can also be refreshed as fall colour spots that will last well into winter and beyond.
There are no rules, but I can share a few tips. Clear existing plants and roots out of your pots. Top up any leftover soil by mixing in a well-draining professional blend so excessive rainfall will be quickly shed. Use your largest pots to accommodate more mature plants.
Keep in mind that, because the growing season is coming to an end, the plants you choose will, most likely, stay that size. Snuggle your plants close together to achieve a fuller, more impactful display. I often place my plants while still in their pots and then change them around to find the look I'm trying to achieve.
There are two essentials: finding that all-important plant to use as a focal point, and then accessorizing with others that play nicely together. When you're happy with your overall composition, remove the pots and transplant directly into your container.
Some of my favourite “keystone” plants for fall containers are berried pyracanthas, narrow-form Japanese maples that have colourful stems, contorted willows with yellow or red branches, funky, tall, thin conifers, such as Hinoki cypress, and some of the slender, brightly coloured autumn grasses. Be choosy! Take your time wandering through your favourite garden store. Search for that one special plant that will ground your container and that you will enjoy for months.
Once you've chosen the focal point, decide on your accessorizing plants. Select plants that will accentuate the focal point and last all fall and winter.
Evergreen perennials work best for me. I love the many varieties of euphorbias for their cool foliage and late-winter flowers. They will give a container both height and width.
Euphorbia `Ascot Rainbow,' with its variegated gold-andgreen foliage, blue-leafed E. `Shorty' and variegated blue-andwhite E. `Glacier Blue' are some of my favourites.
The gazillion varieties of heucheras and heucherellas will add a pop of vibrant colour. From the darkest purples of heucheras `Dolce Wildberry' and `Primo Wild Rose,' the hot lime of `Lime Ruffles' and the tawny copper of `Dolce Crème Brûlée,' to the burnt bronze of heucherella `Burnished Bronze,' they will all create drama in your containers.
Evergreen grasses contribute an element of softness and elegance to any plant combination, and even a slight breeze will set them in motion. The carex `Evercolor' series is a real game-changer. Carex `Evergold,' with its green-and-gold striped leaves, is an excellent spillover plant, but the hot lime C. `Everillo' is my personal favourite. Carex `Everest' sports vibrant white-and-green foliage, and C. `Eversheen' is a very striking variegation of lime and green.
If you're into the blues, then the blue festuca `Beyond Blue' will provide a punch of colour. Black grasses make a powerful statement, and black mondo grass (Ophiopogon `Nigrescens) is a must have.
Broadleaf plants can incorporate some richness into any container. The many varieties of Pieris japonica (lily of the valley shrub) provide both foliage colour and winter flowers. `Mountain Fire,' one of the hardiest, and the variegated foliage of P.j. `Flaming Silver' and P.j. `Little Heath' will provide interest and diversity to your plantings.
Nandinas, often known as heavenly bamboo, although they're not true bamboos, are excellent broadleaf plants for containers. Their finely textured foliage turns a deep red in late fall and holds that colour all winter. Compact `Gulf Stream' and `Bonfire' are two of the best container varieties.
The variegated cream, pink and bronze foliage of leucothoe `Rainbow' adds a nice touch, as does the new white-and-green foliage of variegated Japanese azaleas.
For a little winter perfume, the very compact Himalayan sweet box (Sarcococca humilis) sends out a wonderful fragrance in late January.
I'm also a huge berry fan, and along with the yellow, red and orange berries of pyracantha, the low-spreading habit of wintergreen (Gaultheria procumbens) provides a nice spillover of big, plump, edible red berries all winter.
You can also work in some winter violas and vibrant ornamental kale, unique driftwood and colourful twigs. A few white pumpkins placed around your container is certainly today's autumn look.
As daylight gives way to more darkness, illuminate your containers with strings of LED lights. I always joke that, with containers, you're never done. Containers should be living pieces of art that transition beautifully from season to season. So, let those creative juices flow.