Vancouver Sun

New Pilates studio brings touch of L.A. to Vancouver


When Mira Lutsky embarked on a journey to create an upscale Pilates studio in Vancouver, she knew she wanted it to remind her of her time living in Los Angeles.

Focusing on modern decor, high-end machines and what she calls a “comfortabl­e and safe” space, she created Core Community in Kitsilano. We caught up with Lutsky, who is also head instructor, to learn more.

Q For those who aren't familiar, what is Core Community?

A Core Community is an intimate and modern equipment Pilates studio designed to support and maximize your well-being. We are a safe space where people come together to move, sweat, learn and grow with one another.

Q What makes it unique from other fitness studios?

A The equipment, the space and the message. Our brand new state-of-the-art equipment from Balanced Body is easy to use, comfortabl­e and safe. The space is designed with the client in mind. Alexa Salter is an interior designer at Hungerford Interior design. She is also an avid Pilates enthusiast. With her and her team's help, we created a warm and inviting atmosphere filled with warm colours, soft lights and beautiful touches.

Our goal is to create an inclusive and inviting environmen­t. In general, people feel intimated by the Pilates equipment. Keeping that in mind, we want you to feel safe, supported and heard while navigating this new space.

Q Core Community is described as an “L.a.-style Pilates studio.” What more can you share about this?

A Living in the L.A. area for eight years, I attended dozens of studios. While they all differed, I felt very comfortabl­e walking into a new studio to try a class.

It's challengin­g to find a Pilates studio that offers a full schedule of group classes in Vancouver. I find many people are intimidate­d by the equipment and Pilates spaces, in general. `L.a.-style' to me means a modern, beautiful space with high-end equipment, friendly faces and an inviting atmosphere where you know you are going to move and work your body but also find calmness.

Q What is the membership cost?

A We have an introducto­ry package of two classes for $44. We currently are offering drop-ins and packages to allow for flexibilit­y and encourage clients to try out different classes and instructor­s. We hope to offer monthly packages soon once our full class schedule is up and running. And, we are launching our Core Mama this fall with pre- and postnatal classes.

Q Where can people learn more?

A Corecommun­

 ??  ?? Core Community in Kitsilano is designed to be “warm and inviting.”
Core Community in Kitsilano is designed to be “warm and inviting.”

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