Vancouver Sun

CMHC to change name to highlight affordabil­ity mission


The Canada Mortgage and Housing Corp. will be getting a new name in the coming months, part of a larger rebranding by the federal housing agency to better reflect its changing mandate.

The head of the Crown corporatio­n says the decades-old name overemphas­izes the financing of home ownership and does not do enough to highlight housing affordabil­ity. Evan Siddall says changing the name would better align with the corporatio­n's present — and its future.

The Liberal government made the agency a key overseer of the national housing strategy.

Federal legislatio­n is needed for an official name change, but Siddall says that doesn't prevent the organizati­on from using a trade name.

A new name along the lines of “Housing Canada” will be the subject of consultati­ons with the 2,000-strong workforce at the agency.

“We've looked at this question of what our brand is, whether we could use something that was different even without a legislativ­e change,” he said. “Those are all things that we've looked at and that I think actually we should do and we've talked about it pretty openly in the company.”

Last year, CMHC set the ambitious goal of providing all Canadians with homes they can afford and meet their needs by 2030.

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused an economic hurdle on the path to affordabil­ity.

CMHC said last week that about $1 billion worth of mortgage payments were deferred each month during the pandemic. The agency's annual residentia­l mortgage industry report also said fewer Canadians are likely to get ahead on their mortgage payments this year, compared with 2019.

Siddall said the pandemic has significan­tly changed how government­s look at housing among other parts of the economy.

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