Vancouver Sun

Can the NDP get what it wants?



OTTAWA • Ahead of next week's throne speech, Jagmeet Singh on Friday gave his demands to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in public hours before he was set to deliver them privately in a one-on-one meeting.

Among the demands, Singh wants to ensure people transition­ing from the Canada Emergency Response Benefit to a revamped employment insurance aren't worse off. CERB has paid out more than $72 billion in benefits since its inception shortly after COVID-19 forced lockdowns in March. The new EI would reduce the monthly payment most Canadians receive by $400.

He also wants to introduce a wealth tax.

With Parliament Hill as his backdrop Friday, Singh said he doesn't want to trigger an election.

“It is not my goal to tear down the government. It is not my goal to fight an election. My goal and New Democrat's goal is to fight for people,” he said.

But he also warned his party is fully prepared to take the country to the polls, pandemic or not.

“We are absolutely prepared to fight an election.”

However, is the NDP really prepared to vote down a government in the midst of a pandemic? A government that has hinted it is prepared to go on a spending blitz with an ambitious agenda that may include many of the policies promoted by the NDP, not least pharmacare and childcare?

The Canadian Museum of History, where Singh delivered his speech Friday following several days of caucus meetings, is a place his predecesso­rs have used to launch campaigns. Those previous NDP leaders have also faced a similar choice now before Singh: whether to prop up a Liberal minority government and what concession­s can be wrung from them.

“I'm less concerned about what the prime minister says, I'm more concerned about what he does,” said Singh. “The throne speech is just words on paper. I want to see concrete action.”

Singh said the Liberal's legislatio­n, the fall fiscal update and a potential budget are the real test. To start with, he wants the government to change its proposal to end CERB and move people over to a revamped EI system.

“Justin Trudeau has put forward a plan that will actually cut help to people in the middle of a pandemic. That's wrong.”

Meanwhile, a new report from the Canadian Centre for Policy Alternativ­es, a left-leaning think tank, says the country's billionair­es saw their wealth grow by $37 billion during the pandemic. In his speech, Singh said as the Liberals look to get a handle on how to pay for the massive spending, they should be looking at those fortunes.

His party is proposing a wealth tax and a crackdown on loopholes and tax avoidance. He hinted he wants to see action on that from Trudeau. “Canadians who are worried about paying the bills shouldn't be the ones paying for the pandemic. Those who made billions off this crisis should pay for the recovery,” he said.

The Liberals will need the support of one party to get the throne speech through.

New Conservati­ve leader Erin O'toole is unlikely to support the throne speech and Bloc Québécois Leader Yves-françois Blanchet has threatened to vote no confidence if Trudeau doesn't step down in the wake of the WE charity scandal.

Blanchet was in isolation Friday after being diagnosed with COVID-19 and O'toole was similarly staying inside, waiting for test results after a member of his staff was diagnosed with the virus. That means Singh might be the only opposition leader in Parliament when the throne speech is delivered.

The dilemma facing Singh is whether he can trust the Liberals to deliver on any promises made to his party. It is a position the NDP have been in before.

In 2005, then-ndp leader Jack Layton secured several promises from Prime Minister Paul Martin to pass his spring budget. But Layton voted against the government in a fall confidence vote forcing an election, one that became Stephen Harper's first win.

Layton's side said Martin's government was mired in scandal, no longer able to deliver what the NDP wanted and was unwilling to listen to demands they made to protect health care.

The NDP'S decision to vote down Martin's government in 2005 is regularly criticized by Liberals. Martin was in the process of securing childcare funding agreements with provinces and attempting to implement the Kelowna accord, a deal to provide significan­t funding to Indigenous communitie­s.

When Harper was elected in early 2006, he pulled back from both those initiative­s.

Kathleen Monk, a veteran of Layton's team, is dismissive of those who blame the NDP for the lack of childcare.

“I call bullshit on that. You had 14 years with Mr. Chretien, where Paul Martin was at the helm, to do these things.”

Brad Lavigne, another of Layton's advisers, said Martin's team was unwilling to move when Layton asked for restrictio­ns on private health care delivery. He said minority government­s have to be willing to deal and Martin's team wasn't.

“They came to their goodwill late in the 2005 budget, but it was a shallow pool of goodwill that they had and it quickly dried out.”

He said Trudeau's decision to sit down with Singh and other opposition leaders is a step in the right direction, but that's the minimum.

Karl Bélanger, Layton's press secretary at the time and now president of

Traxxion Strategies, a communicat­ions firm, said the challenge the NDP face is weighing the seriousnes­s of the Liberals' commitment.

“Look at the feasibilit­y of these measures and how likely the government is to move forward with it. And how long it would take because, of course, you do not want to give a blank cheque,” he said.

Bélanger said the Liberals have often promised items from the NDP platform, but the delivery is where the promises fall down. There are hints next week’s throne speech will include bold moves on pharmacare or childcare, but he said those promises have been made before.

“You have to be skeptical of the political will of the Liberals to move forward with such a bold agenda.”

But the NDP are also facing two major problems. A recent poll would see them losing seats in an election and they have a funding crisis.

A recent Campaign Research poll put the NDP at 13 per cent nationally, well back of the Conservati­ves and the Liberals, who have a narrow lead. If that support level held in a campaign, the party would lose seats in the next election.

The party is also still digging out from a financial hole, with several loans they took on for the campaign still having to be paid off. Even with its assets, the party's overall financial position is still nearly $2 million in the red. Their fundraisin­g this year has been relatively strong having raised $965,000 in the first quarter and an additional $1.3 million in the second.

But senior veterans within the NDP believe the party's strength is it can get things done without forming government.

Lavigne said the NDP had secured support for programs like universal health care, old-age security and public housing

From 2004 in Martin's first minority government to 2011, the start of Stephen Harper's majority, the NDP improved its seat count each time. Anne Mcgrath, the party's national director and another veteran of the Layton team, said that was because they were delivering results from the opposition benches, forcing both the Liberals and Conservati­ves to do things they wouldn't otherwise do.

Mcgrath said the NDP are fully ready to hit the campaign trail.

“We've done it before, under difficult circumstan­ces, and we can definitely do it again. And I feel like we would be in much better shape even at this time than last time,” she said.

She said even if a campaign were called next week, the party would be in better shape this time than it was in 2019.

Singh said he would rather see the Liberals enact childcare, pharmacare and other progressiv­e policies then save them for an NDP campaign, whenever the election comes.

“I'm worried about the Liberal government not acting on those things. I'm worried about them not delivering the help that people need.”

His pitch to voters is that he made the Liberals' pandemic response more generous, more helpful.

“People have seen that if you want someone on your side in your corner when the chips are down, New Democrats have fought for people.”

 ?? SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? NDP leader Jagmeet Singh says he plans to push Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on not replacing the Canada Emergency Response Benefit with a lower EI payment.
SEAN KILPATRICK/THE CANADIAN PRESS NDP leader Jagmeet Singh says he plans to push Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on not replacing the Canada Emergency Response Benefit with a lower EI payment.

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