Vancouver Sun




1 Kuwaiti chieftain 5 Fell to 10 Yves’ girlfriend 14 Pay dirt 15 Sports palace 16 Swimming hole 17 Shopping place 18 Choice cut of beef 20 Scoff at 22 Playfully shy 23 Major artery 24 Horizon, maybe 26 Actor — Carrey 27 Threatens 30 Dining room staffers 34 Put a crease in 35 Attended 36 Sun, in Mazatlan 37 Carbon deposit 38 Seize the throne

40 Slapped together 41 Bradley and Asner 42 Race by, as clouds 43 Fed the fire 45 Come back in 47 Prepares to turn 48 Proposal response 49 “— vincit amor” 50 Sap source 53 Resort 54 Press agent 58 Big shocks 61 Turkey’s neighbor 62 Penn or Connery 63 Cruise stops 64 Munro’s pen name 65 Sets a price 66 Cheapen 67 Be a party to


1 Endangered trees 2 Sigh loudly

3 On strike 4 To the point 5 Insect-eater 6 Builds 7 Salami choice 8 Mayberry sheriff 9 Glasgow turndown 10 Composure 11 Fasten securely 12 Monogram pt.

13 Best or Ferber 19 Lift 21 Paddy crop 25 Lures 26 Becomes involved (2 wds.) 27 Pinchpenny 28 Eat away at 29 Rope’s slipknot 30 Impediment 31 Japanese industrial center 32 Matterhorn echo

33 Winter vehicles 35 Bossy’s chew 39 California’s Big —

40 Big draw at the Louvre (2 wds.) 42 High-priced 44 Nine-tofiver’s cry, briefly 46 Hose 47 Brainpower 49 Kind of house or hat 50 Southwest feature 51 Pro votes 52 Mountain top 53 Arrogant person 55 Desert dweller 56 Torte or gateau 57 Grow together 59 Emissions watchdog 60 NNW opposite

 ??  ??

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