Vancouver Sun

China's words ring hollow

No diplomacy can mask the nation's bullying


The stale jargon of Chinese diplomacy is designed to make threats and bullying sound respectabl­e.

China's ambassador in Ottawa, Cong Peiwu, was asked to explain alarming comments made by President Xi Jinping that his nation's troops should be preparing for war.

China's path of peaceful developmen­t is enshrined in its constituti­on, Cong told reporters on a video conference call to mark 50 years of Canada-China relations. “But of course, we have to be careful about our external environmen­t in the South China Sea. It is generally stable but the U.S. is trying to make trouble in the region.”

He categorize­d the U. S. military presence in the area as “very dangerous,” particular­ly its incursions into the Taiwan Strait, through which a U.S. navy destroyer, USS Barry, sailed on Wednesday. “The U.S. is selling advanced weaponry (to Taiwan) and trying to undermine our national security,” Cong said. China is only doing what “any responsibl­e sovereign country is entitled to do” by putting its military on alert.

Cong's interpreta­tion suggests that it is the Chinese mainland that is in danger of attack.

In reality, the threat to world peace comes from Xi's declaratio­n that unificatio­n of Taiwan with the People's Republic is “an inevitable requiremen­t for the historical rejuvenati­on of the Chinese nation.”

The U.S. does not have a formal agreement with Taiwan but has long implied it would help defend the island, if was attacked.

The People's Liberation Army has increased the pressure in the Taiwan Strait in recent months and Communist Party officials have ramped up their rhetoric. Xi's comments may have been aimed at dissuading an arms deal between the U.S. and the government in Taipei that would include drones and anti-ship missile systems.

George Orwell once noted the link between ambiguous political speech and oppressive ideology — the use of euphemism and cloudy vagueness to defend the indefensib­le.

In the conference call with reporters, Cong was obliged to resort to all manner of calculated phraseolog­y to justify his country's behaviour. He said Canada had acted as “an accomplice” to the U.S. when it detained Huawei executive Meng Wanzhou. The Americans are engaging in “power politics and unilateral­ism” to bring down Huawei, while China is a “builder of world peace” and “upholder of the internatio­nal order.”

Reporters asked Cong why it was only this past weekend two Canadian detainees — Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor — were granted consular access, despite China being a signatory of the Vienna Convention that obliges regular consular visits.

Cong said China has complied with the Vienna Convention but consular access was suspended because of COVID-19. “We are respecting the lawful rights of Canadian citizens,” he said.

Kovrig and Spavor have been prosecuted because they are suspected of having engaged in activities endangerin­g national security, he said. “The judicial process … will unfold in due course.”

The envoy repeated the well-worn line that the arrest of the two Michaels was not a case of direct retaliatio­n for Meng's detention. But he spoiled the effect by saying the safe return of Meng to China would “be conducive to long-term developmen­t,” which suggests a deal could be struck.

Cong invoked the call by 19 eminent former parliament­arians and diplomats for the federal government to intervene in the extraditio­n process and send Meng home. He said he hopes the government will listen to these “rational voices.”

That is unlikely. Justin Trudeau rejected the call to intervene and has taken a firmer line on China, accusing it of “coercive diplomacy” when it comes to the new national security law in Hong Kong and treatment of the Uyghur Muslim minority in Xinjiang province. Trudeau said Canada will work with allies to ensure such tactics do not succeed.

A Chinese foreign ministry spokespers­on responded by accusing the Canadian government of being “hypocritic­al and weak.”

Cong said for China the Hong Kong and Xinjiang issues are not about human rights, “they are internal affairs about which China brooks no interferen­ce from the outside.”

He cautioned Canada about accepting asylum-seeking “violent criminals” from Hong Kong. “If Canadians care about the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong, including the 300,000 Canadian passport holders there, they should support efforts to fight violent crime to make sure the one country, two systems is constantly and comprehens­ively implemente­d in Hong Kong,” he said. “I suggest people here take an objective and fair view of what is happening in Hong Kong, and make sure not to interfere in China's domestic affairs.”

When one reporter asked Cong if he had raised the fate of the quarter-million Canadians living in Hong Kong as a threat, he said simply, “That is your interpreta­tion.”

Cong's pitch is that Canada and China can “work to strive to open more bright prospects,” if only the Meng “grave political incident” can be resolved.

But he is wrong. No amount of smooth diplomatic phrases — like a cuttlefish squirting out ink, in Orwell's words — will rekindle fondness for a regime that so blithely engages in intimidati­on, blackmail and abduction.

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