Vancouver Sun


Charlie Hebdo, Jewish grocer scene of killings


PARIS • A French court on Wednesday convicted 14 people of crimes ranging from financing terrorism to membership of a criminal gang in relation to Islamist attacks in 2015 against the Charlie Hebdo satirical magazine and a Jewish supermarke­t.

The trial has reopened one of modern France's darkest episodes, just as another wave of Islamist attacks on home soil this autumn, including the beheading of a schoolteac­her, prompted the government to crack down on what it calls Islamist separatism.

Brothers Said and Cherif Kouachi stormed Charlie Hebdo's offices in Paris, spraying gunfire and killing 12, on Jan. 7, 2015, nearly a decade after the weekly published cartoons mocking the Prophet Mohammed.

A third attacker, Amedy Coulibaly, killed a police woman and then four Jewish hostages in a kosher supermarke­t in a Paris suburb. Like the Kouachis, Coulibaly was killed in a shootout with police.

Among the 14 accomplice­s sentenced on Wednesday was Hayat Boumeddien­e, the former partner of Coulibaly and one of three defendants tried in absentia. Believed to be still alive and on the run from an internatio­nal arrest warrant, judges convicted Boumeddien­e, 32, of financing terrorism and belonging to a criminal terrorist network, and sentenced her to 30 years in jail.

The attacks, claimed by al-Qaida and Islamic State, laid bare France's struggle to counter the threat of native-born and foreign jihadists.

“The fact of choosing victims precisely because they were journalist­s, or a member of the security forces, or of Jewish faith, clearly demonstrat­es in itself their desire to sow terror in Western countries,” the presiding judge told the court.

Terrorism-related charges were dropped for six of the defendants who were found guilty of lesser crimes.

Journalist­s from Charlie Hebdo testified during the trial. After Wednesday's ruling, the magazine's lawyer, Richard Malka, described the defendants as part of a support network that enabled the attackers to spill blood.

“Without these nebulous networks, attacks cannot occur,” he told reporters, in the first reaction from the magazine or its representa­tives to the verdicts.

On the eve of the trial's opening, Charlie Hebdo, which has long tested the limits of what society will accept in the name of free speech, reprinted the cartoons that had stirred outrage in the Muslim world when they were first published in Denmark in 2005.

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