Vancouver Sun



What's a 14-letter word for a crossword puzzle lover that, when used, makes you sound sesquipeda­lian? Naturally, the answer is as plain as day: it is “cruciverba­list,” which the enigmatolo­gist Will Shortz says “is a person who loves to have the cruciverba­list pleasure centre in their brain tickled.”

Crossword puzzles are a gift, not just for Christmas or for filling endless hours of pandemic isolation. They are simply a gift to the spirit, the imaginatio­n and the mind of solvers. As Margaret Farrar wrote, “You can't think of your troubles while solving a crossword.” Farrar was one of only four editors of the New York Times crossword puzzle, which is the gold standard in North America.

The wonderful thing about crossword puzzles is they are for everyone. There is a puzzle-solving level that meets your enthusiasm to solve the puzzle. As Jonathan Berkowitz says, “Puzzle creators actually want you to solve their puzzle.” And how you do that is up to you. There are no rules. You can click through letters on your keyboard with the “error check mode” on or off; you can call a friend or you can look it up. You can solve the puzzle any way you choose.

In the solving of the puzzle, you often discover new words that ignite thoughts and open doors to history, geography, law, the sciences — and they are the key to your imaginatio­n. Crossword puzzles are much more than entertainm­ent. They are a launching pad to worlds you can discover and rediscover.

We invited Jonathan Berkowitz, cruciverba­list extraordin­aire, to join us for a Conversati­on That Matters about the deep rich world of puzzling.

Conversati­ons That Matter is a partner program for the Morris J. Wosk Centre for Dialogue at Simon Fraser University. The production of this program is made possible thanks to the support of the following and viewers like you. Please become a Patreon subscriber and support the production of this program, with a $1 pledge here.

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Jonathan Berkowitz

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