Vancouver Sun

SUPER (family) MAN

Latest iteration explores a more domestic side of the storied superhero


Up in the sky, look! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's ... hang on a sec … a family man?

After more than 80 years soaring above Metropolis to keep its citizens safe, Superman is taking on his toughest task yet: being dad to two kids and husband to the love of his life, Lois Lane.

“We're not watching this guy discover who he is,” says Tyler Hoechlin, who dons the red cape on Superman & Lois.

“He knows who he is. He's done that and he's become Superman. It's something he can do in his sleep now.”

After previous stints playing the Man of Steel on Supergirl, The Flash, Arrow, Legends of Tomorrow and Batwoman, the latest spinoff follows Clark Kent/Superman (Hoechlin) as he juggles trying to keep the world a safer place while raising two teenage sons (Jordan Elsass and Alex Garfin) with his wife, Lois (Elizabeth Tulloch).

“We're seeing (Superman) struggle in a different way. It's more about, `How do you do all those things that are asked of you and dedicate time to being a good partner and a good parent?'” Hoechlin, 33, says in a video call from Vancouver. “That's something that we've never seen him do before and that's exciting.”

While past Superman adaptation­s have explored different facets of the character's history, fans haven't seen the Last Son of Krypton fully embracing his family side.

After the family decides to leave Metropolis and move to the Kent family farm in Smallville, this week's episode finds Clark sharing some of his Kryptonian history with his sons.

“We're a family drama that happens to have a father and husband who happens to be Superman,” the former Teen Wolf star says. “To me, this is the perfect time for a show that says, `Family is the most important thing.'”

But the show, which was renewed for a second season after the first episode premièred last month, won't just be rooted in the family and its struggles. Superman is threatened by the arrival of Captain Luthor (Wolé Parks), a mysterious villain who harbours a deadly grudge against the Man of Steel. Meanwhile, Lois continues to dig deeper to uncover the truth about the nefarious businessma­n (and Daily Planet owner) Morgan Edge, who in the comics has ties to the alien tyrant Darkseid.

“I think the fans will be excited to see where these storylines go,” says Hoechlin, who first appeared as Superman in an episode of Supergirl. “I think we're set up for a great first season.”

After crossing over with other shows in Greg Berlanti's Arrowverse, Superman & Lois will stick to its own storylines. But looking ahead, Hoechlin would love to see the characters interact with other DC heroes.

“It's always fun to work on those other shows and I have great relationsh­ips with all of them,” Hoechlin says. “But this is something completely different. These characters are now the focus of the show. So instead of popping in and not really getting time to have a backstory and let the nuances take hold, we have those moments now.”

Along with newer storylines, Hoechlin is donning a sleeker, more streamline­d suit.

“It's kind of crazy when you put it on and look down and see that symbol on your chest,” he says. “So many people wear it, you see people with tattoos of it, and to look down there and see it on the suit is just incredibly surreal.”

Hoechlin knows that he's just the latest in a long line of actors to play Superman, but he doesn't foresee a time when audiences won't need to draw on the optimism the hero stands for.

“He's a symbol of hope and we never run out of needing that,” Hoechlin says. “Hope isn't a thing that we can just attain, and everyone has it and we just all move forward forever. People lose hope and you need someone who re-inspires that feeling that there can be a better tomorrow.

“I think now more than ever, if we don't see the world that way, then what's the point? If you don't have hope for the future, and what we can do and where we can go and how we can be better, then what are we doing?

“I think that's a powerful message no matter what.”

 ?? THE CW ?? Tyler Hoechlin had donned the red cape in several series, but the actor brings out a softer side of the Man of Steel in Superman & Lois.
THE CW Tyler Hoechlin had donned the red cape in several series, but the actor brings out a softer side of the Man of Steel in Superman & Lois.

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