Vancouver Sun

Scooter rider hurt after collision with coyote fights off two more

- — with files from Scott Brown Postmedia News and The Canadian Press

Police in Vancouver say a 44-yearold man who fell off his electric scooter when it collided with a coyote fought off two more of the animals while he lay injured.

Sgt. Steve Addison says the man was riding on the Stanley Park seawall near Prospect Point around midnight Sunday when he hit the coyote.

Addison says two other coyotes began tugging at the man's jacket and clothes as he was lying on the ground.

The man punched one of the animals, then waved over a passerby who called 911.

“This is very concerning behaviour,” said B.C. Conservati­on Officer Service Sgt. Simon Gravel. “The coyotes were sort of testing the waters by nipping at him, but the man was very defensive and was able to escape the situation.”

The man was taken to hospital with an injured collarbone — suffered from falling off his standup scooter — but wasn't bitten.

This incident comes after several attacks by coyotes at the park.

In January, conservati­on officers euthanized two coyotes believed to be responsibl­e for a series of attacks on park-goers.

Gravel says while conservati­on officers will try to remove aggressive coyotes, there is no plan to remove the entire population — believed to between 12 and 20 animals — from the park “because we have to keep balance and coyotes play an important role in that ecosystem.”

Gravel says people should consider avoiding Stanley Park at dusk, night and dawn, when coyotes are more active.

Aggressive coyote encounters can be reported to 1-877-952-7277.

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