Vancouver Sun


- Bobby wolff

“Two things fill the mind with ever new and increasing wonder and awe, the more often more seriously reflection concentrat­es upon them: the starry heaven above me and the moral law within me.”

— Immanuel Kant

The correct defense against the ruffing finesse is clear here, but as you will see, this is not the only critical element of the deal.

After finding the heart fit, South next makes a game try, letting North jump to game. Now South drives to a slam, on the basis of the 10-card fit and plenty of controls.

West kicks off with the club queen, leaving declarer to maneuver three discards for his spades. He wins the club ace in dummy, hiding his king, and draws trumps in two rounds. A diamond comes next, to the jack and queen. Declarer wins the club continuati­on, crosses to a trump, and sees that he must obtain three discards.

Ruffing a diamond works only when West started with an unlikely ace-doubleton. South should prefer to play East for the diamond ace, and lead the diamond king from dummy. East will play low, assuming West would have led a singleton diamond if he had one, but declarer must run the king, pinning the eight. He can then set up two more diamond winners.

East defended correctly by refusing to cover the second diamond, but he had gone astray earlier. It was fairly clear that it was declarer who had the singleton diamond and that he would take a ruffing finesse later on. East should have tried to deflect declarer from that course by winning the first diamond with the ace. Declarer would then surely place the queen with West. Now, instead of running the diamond 10 after cashing the king, he would ruff the third round, losing his slam.

ANSWER: If you have a diamond fit, you might be able to make a slam there, so three no-trump, although the practical call, would be slightly precipitou­s. Bidding three diamonds to show game-forcing values with diamond length and doubt about strain or level feels like a slightly pushy but reasonable call.

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