Vancouver Sun

No reasonable prospect of conviction in CannTrust case: securities watchdog

OSC moves to withdraw charges against three former cannabis firm executives


The Ontario Securities Commission says it no longer has a reasonable prospect of convicting three former cannabis company leaders linked to securities offences at CannTrust Holdings Inc.

The regulator's lawyer Dihim Emami made the admission on Wednesday at Old City Hall in Toronto, where he asked for a leave to withdraw the charges against former CannTrust chief executive Peter Aceto, former chairman Eric Paul and former vice-chairman Mark Litwin.

Lawyers for the three men are instead seeking an acquittal, which would see their clients freed of charges linked to the alleged unlicensed growing of thousands of kilograms of pot at CannTrust's Pelham, Ont., facility near Niagara in 2019.

“I can't tell you how much anxiety there is among the defendants about the end of this matter for the reasons that you can imagine,” Frank Addario, Aceto's lawyer, told Victor Giourgas, the judge presiding over the case.

Aceto, Paul and Litwin pleaded not guilty in October to several offences related to a failure to disclose unlicensed growing at the facility to investors.

The OSC also claimed the men used corporate disclosure­s to assert that they were compliant with regulation­s. They alleged Litwin and Aceto signed off on prospectus­es used to raise money in the U.S., which stated CannTrust was fully licensed and compliant with regulatory requiremen­ts, and that Litwin and Paul traded shares of CannTrust while in possession of material, undisclose­d informatio­n regarding the unlicensed growing.

They were each charged with fraud and authorizin­g, permitting or acquiescin­g in the commission of an offence.

Litwin and Paul were also facing insider trading charges, and Litwin and Aceto were charged with making a false prospectus and false preliminar­y prospectus.

Since hearings in the matter began in the fall, the court has heard from the current chief executive of CannTrust, now called Phoena Holdings Inc., and former staff like Graham Lee, a former director of quality and compliance.

Lee shared that growing in unlicensed rooms was “very openly” discussed at the company, including in front of some of the accused executives.

But in cross-examinatio­n, lawyers turned up evidence suggesting the Niagara facility had some licenses, making it difficult for the OSC to prove its central allegation­s of unlicensed growing.

The defendants' lawyers and the OSC refused to comment on the matter beyond what was said in court Wednesday.

Before the case got underway, Litwin's lawyer Scott Fenton told The Canadian Press his client “maintains that he acted in compliance with all applicable laws and looks forward to establishi­ng his innocence at trial.”

Addario pointed out his client was hired because of his financial acumen and track record, and said the company was subject to inspection­s and financial audits that uncovered no material issues.

“The evidence will show Peter Aceto behaved legally and with integrity during his time at CannTrust,” Addario said in an October email.

The quasi-criminal case was due to stretch until May with dozens of witnesses, but could wrap up this week, should the judge agree to an acquittal or the charges are dropped.

Emami asked the court Wednesday to adjourn the matter until Thursday, so he could review case law that Fenton said would support the case being wound up.

“I am respectful­ly against dragging this out,” Fenton said.

“The prosecutio­n has determined they can't prove the case. It is time to end it and it should end today.”

The defendants, along with a dozen family members and friends who consistent­ly appeared at hearings over the last few months, were present as Fenton spoke. OSC enforcemen­t director Jeff Kehoe was also there, along with a coterie of lawyers for the regulator.

The quasi-criminal case is key for the OSC because it is the regulator's first court proceeding involving a publicly traded cannabis company.

Industry observers felt that if it ended with a strong ruling in favour of the financial regulator, the case could deter other pot companies from skirting the law.

“If there aren't significan­t consequenc­es (for CannTrust's former leaders), I could see some companies ... saying, `Wow, we just shuffle this here and do that there and we're so much further ahead, what's really going to happen? Just look at CannTrust,” said Matt Maurer, a partner at Torkin Manes LLP and co-chair of its cannabis law group, before the case landed in court.

 ?? COLE BURSTON/ BLOOMBERG ?? Employees inspect cannabis plants at a CannTrust Holdings — now called Phoena Holdings — facility in Pelham, Ont. The trial of three former CannTrust executives took a twist Wednesday when Ontario's securities watchdog sought leave to withdraw charges against the trio.
COLE BURSTON/ BLOOMBERG Employees inspect cannabis plants at a CannTrust Holdings — now called Phoena Holdings — facility in Pelham, Ont. The trial of three former CannTrust executives took a twist Wednesday when Ontario's securities watchdog sought leave to withdraw charges against the trio.
 ?? ?? Peter Aceto
Peter Aceto

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