Vancouver Sun



One of the most popular foods after churchkhel­a in Georgian cuisine is the stuffed bread known as khachapuri. This cheese-loaded version of the dish is a great addition to any table:


■ 40 oz (1.15 kg) flour

■ 1 cup (250 ml) water

■ 1 cup (250 ml milk

■ 1 egg

■ 1 tbsp (15 ml) yeast

■ 1/8 cup plus 4 tsp (50 ml) oil

Heat the water to 95 F and stir in the yeast. Take a separate bowl and add in 1 kg of flour. Make a well in the middle. Add the yeast/water mixture, oil, egg and milk. Mix the ingredient­s from the middle of the bowl. Make the dough into a ball and cover. Leave in a warm place for two hours to rise. Once risen, add the last 150 g of flour and knead the dough and let it rest for 10 minutes.


■ 3 eggs

■ 20 g (0.7 oz) butter

■ 100 g (4 oz) grated Sulguni cheese ( low moisture mozzarella is a popular substitute)

■ 100 g (4 oz) grated Imeretian cheese (you can substitute with half mild feta and half ricotta)

Preheat the oven to 425 F. Grate the cheese. Combine the grated cheese, one egg, and butter in a mixing bowl. Mix the ingredient­s with a fork.

Shape the dough into a flattish oval. Spread the cheese filling onto the middle of the dough. Fold the sides and the ends of the dough.

Lightly dust a baking tray with flour to prevent sticking. Place the khachapuri in a preheated hot oven for about 12 minutes. Remove the khachapuri, glaze the surface with the egg yolk, and add a raw egg on top of the cheese. Bake for an additional three minutes at 425 F. Additional toppings such as spinach, herbs, cured meats and more can be added to suit preference.

To serve, mix the butter and egg with a knife and fork, and share every bite alongside small pieces of the bread portion.

Makes: 4-6 khachapuri

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