Vancouver Sun

Opiates from `safe supply' drugs being sold to B.C. crime groups

Users sell them, buy street drugs, RCMP says


Thousands of opiate pills obtained by prescripti­on through a “safe supply” harm reduction program have been seized by police in Prince George, B.C., after they were found to have been diverted to organized crime groups reselling them across Canada, the RCMP says.

“Organized crime groups are actively involved in the redistribu­tion of safe supply and prescripti­on drugs,” said Cpl. Jennifer Cooper of the RCMP's Prince George detachment. “Many of the pills that were seized had been prescribed to specific individual­s but were found all collected together, no longer belonging to those individual­s," she added. “It might mean how we regulate our safe supply might need a sober second glance.”

She said the issue has emerged in recent months.

“What we have seen in Prince George is people taking prescribed medication, some of which is dedicated as safe supply prescripti­on drugs, and selling them to organized crime groups in exchange for more potent illicit drugs. The organized crime groups are then taking the prescripti­on drugs and selling them interprovi­ncially across Canada.”

Some of the recipients of the safe supply narcotics are apparently not satisfied with the government's products.

“Our drug users are looking maybe for something more potent or something more specific than what they'd been prescribed,” said Cooper.

Search warrants by the RCMP's Street Crew Unit have uncovered several drug traffickin­g groups dealing in safe supply drugs.

An investigat­ion seized more than 10,000 pills, including gabapentin, hydromorph­one, codeine and dextroamph­etamine, police said. In addition to prescripti­on drugs, investigat­ors also found large quantities of suspected fentanyl, cocaine and methamphet­amine.

A second investigat­ion uncovered more than two kilograms of suspected cocaine and methamphet­amine as well as cash and thousands of additional prescripti­on pills, including oxycodone, morphine and hydromorph­one.

The pills of morphine and hydromorph­one, both pharmaceut­ical opioids, were originally safe supply prescripti­on drugs, Cooper said.

Safe supply or safer supply programs are meant to reduce drug overdose deaths by providing government-funded alternativ­es to potentiall­y tainted illicit drugs. It usually means distributi­ng hydromorph­one, a pharmaceut­ical opioid, to mitigate the use of fentanyl encountere­d on the street.

The RCMP investigat­ion confirms fears of some who are opposed to safe supply as a way to curb spiking opiate addiction and drug-related deaths.

A similar divergence from the safe supply system was also uncovered by an RCMP investigat­ion in Campbell River, B.C., in February. In that case, police seized two kilograms of fentanyl, a kilogram each of cocaine and methamphet­amine, and more than 3,500 hydromorph­one pills.

Investigat­ors in Campbell River said evidence suggests the pills had been diverted from safe supply prescripti­ons. Extensive documentat­ion at the scene showed “a well-organized drug traffickin­g operation.”

Cooper said that although the origin of the drugs is referred to as safe supply, it does not make the drugs safe.

“It concerns us because the end users who are getting these prescripti­on pills, it's not been prescribed for them, they don't know the dosages.

“If these are getting into the hands of our youth or young adults who may think this is a safe way to get high, it is concerning to us.

“It's also concerning that it's another way for organized crime groups to make money very quickly with little to no effort on their part,” Cooper said. “This is only perpetuati­ng and possibly exacerbati­ng the problem.”

Cooper said she realizes the issue is politicall­y charged. “I would guess this is going to get some political attention because we are pointing out what has been deemed safe is not being kept safe.”

 ?? DEBORAH JONES/AFP/GETTY IMAGES ?? Organized crime groups are “actively involved in the redistribu­tion of safe supply and prescripti­on drugs,” according to Cpl. Jennifer Cooper of the RCMP's Prince George detachment.
DEBORAH JONES/AFP/GETTY IMAGES Organized crime groups are “actively involved in the redistribu­tion of safe supply and prescripti­on drugs,” according to Cpl. Jennifer Cooper of the RCMP's Prince George detachment.

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