Vancouver Sun

Plan in motion to lift orca calf out of remote Island lagoon


The timer has been set to save a young killer whale's life, say First Nations leaders and a federal Fisheries Department marine mammal expert.

The plan is to get the stranded two-year-old orca out of a remote lagoon off northern Vancouver Island within two weeks or less, they say.

Paul Cottrell, a marine mammal co-ordinator with the Fisheries Department, said there is still much to organize before the rescue team tries to capture the calf and transport it out of the lagoon to the nearby open ocean.

The plan also involves placing the orca calf in a large net pen in the ocean where its health can be examined and the chances of it meeting its family pod are greatest, he said.

“We're moving to this next phase of capture and transport and reunificat­ion with its pod,” Cottrell said. “We're doing a great amount of work to make that happen. Time is of the essence for this calf, we know that and the planning is well along, but we do have a little bit more planning, equipment and logistics to work out.”

The calf has been stranded near Little Espinosa Inlet since March 23, when its pregnant mother became trapped on a rocky beach at low tide and died. The orca calf drama is unfolding near the village of Zeballos, population 200, about 450 kilometres northwest of Victoria.

Fisheries Department officials, the Ehattesaht First Nation and marine mammal rescue experts are meeting daily about the calf, but are now convinced the only way to save it is to capture and transport it from the three-kilometre-long tidal lagoon to the open ocean.

“I think essentiall­y it may be in the next couple of weeks,” Ehattesaht First Nation Chief Simon John said Wednesday of the rescue plan. “A week and a half is somewhere where we might be.”

John said other attempts to entice the orca to leave the lagoon have not been successful and the nation wants to take every opportunit­y available to save its life.

“The whole plan, through the whole process, has been to reunite it with its pod,” he said. “It needs assistance. It's so young.”

Officials set out pieces of a harbour seal this week near where the calf swims in the deepest part of the lagoon with the hope it might eat, but while the meat was gone, they aren't sure if the calf ate it.

The orca has been seen with a bird in its mouth. There were indication­s the calf was still supplement­ing its diet with mother's milk.

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