Vision (Canada)



A trip to the woods for snowshoein­g or skiing is a good way to celebrate mental health during Let’s Talk Day on January 26.

The annual Bell Let’s Talk Day event in Canada encourages people to talk about mental health issues. Bell has been sponso

cents to Canadian mental health programs for every social media post that use #Bell

LetsTalk during the day.

and outside of the region to consider going outdoors on Lets Talk Day and any other day to help promote both physical and mental health. Being physically active outdoors during the winter is a good way to help

and long nights.

“Stepping into nature and staying active

noted that many people feel more depressed during the winter season. The pandemic, with its past history of lockdowns and restrictio­ns on social gatherings and other actitiviti­es,

for many people. Getting outdoors during the daytime, enjoying the sunlight, and get

ting active through solo or family activities

tobogganin­g can provide both emotional and mental relief.

areas open during the winter for outdoor

Forest and Robert Graham Forest in South

conservati­on areas and trails are asked to show respect to other users and to practise social distancing when encounteri­ng other trail users.

riences, please be respectful towards other

outdoors to enjoy nature and seek some and obstructiv­e behavior can take away from

 ?? —photo fournie ?? Pour de nombreuses personnes, une excursion dans les bois peut contribuer à apporter une certaine sérénité en période de stress. La Conservati­on de la Nation Sud possède plusieurs zones de conservati­on qui sont ouvertes au public pendant la saison hivernale pour une utilisatio­n individuel­le et familiale pour la randonnée et le ski de fond.
—photo fournie Pour de nombreuses personnes, une excursion dans les bois peut contribuer à apporter une certaine sérénité en période de stress. La Conservati­on de la Nation Sud possède plusieurs zones de conservati­on qui sont ouvertes au public pendant la saison hivernale pour une utilisatio­n individuel­le et familiale pour la randonnée et le ski de fond.
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