Waterloo Region Record

U. S. to be ‘surgical’ in NAFTA talks

Americans will be careful not to damage beneficial areas, trade boss says, as negotiatio­ns loom

- Andy Blatchford

OTTAWA — Donald Trump’s trade czar says U.S. negotiator­s will take a “do-noharm” approach to renegotiat­ing NAFTA amid fears that altering the deal could hurt many American agricultur­al sectors.

U.S. Trade Representa­tive Robert Lighthizer repeated the remarks several times Thursday as he testified before A House of Representa­tives committee in Washington.

He insisted he would enter the upcoming talks with the goal of modernizin­g outdated aspects of the 23-year-old agreement, while protecting gains U.S. farmers and ranchers have been reaping.

“It is very important that we do no harm,” said Lighthizer, who will play a central role in negotiatio­ns that could begin as early as mid-August.

“Our very high priority will be making sure that we do not disrupt our sales in agricultur­al products to either Canada or Mexico.”

U.S. President Donald Trump has signalled he wants to do more than simply tweak the North American Free Trade Agreement, which includes Canada and Mexico.

He’s called for “very big changes” to a pact he’s labelled a disaster, or else he will scrap it once and for all.

NAFTA is a deeply important deal for Canadian businesses, which have been closely following developmen­ts in the U.S.

Rep. Jason Smith, a Republican from Missouri, said his constituen­ts blame NAFTA for job losses in places like shoe, bicycle and clothing factories in the state.

Meanwhile, Prime Minister Justin TruNAFTA deau told the New York Times NAFTA had been improved a dozen times over the years. “Canada is far more important to the United States than the United States realizes. I can understand the politics around saying that ‘Oh, we need to improve it, it’s terrible.’

“The facts don’t necessaril­y bear that out, though. It’s created massive numbers of jobs in both of our economies. It’s created tremendous advantages.”

Earlier this week, Lighthizer said negotiatio­ns can begin Aug. 16. He said the U.S. is still discussing the specific start date with its partners.

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