Waterloo Region Record

Love, murder and control of women

- Carly Maga

1989: the Tiananmen Square protests made headlines around the world, “Rain Man” took Best Picture at the Oscars, Taylor Swift was born, and the Stratford Festival produced Thomas Middleton and William Rowley’s Jacobean tragedy “The Changeling.”

It didn’t do so again until this spring.

The reason for the absence of this well-known play, written in 1622 by two of Shakespear­e’s contempora­ries? The program notes argue it’s Middleton’s darker, bluer portrayal of sex and power, which failed to match the popularity of the Bard. But the festival is paying tribute now with its first production of “The Changeling” (or any of Middleton’s plays) in almost 30 years.

Director Jackie Maxwell brings the time frame from the 1600s to the 1930s, during the late stages of the Spanish Civil War. Comedy takes a back seat to sinister plotting and abhorrent actions. The sexual manipulati­on and corruption in the play resonate with today’s cultural debate around control over and demonizati­on of women’s sexual agency.

When Beatrice-Joanna (Mikaela Davies) meets Alsemero (Cyrus Lane), the two immediatel­y fall in love (or lust). At the same moment, Beatrice-Joanna is betrothed by her father Vermandero (David Collins) to the wealthy Alonzo de Piracquo (Qasim Khan) for political reasons.

Desperate to end her engagement, she enlists her father’s servant De Flores (Ben Carlson) — who loves her, but whom she detests because of his facial deformity and general creepiness — to kill Alonzo. Beatrice-Joanna is now free to marry Alsemero but is unexpected­ly bound to De Flores by their mutually evil deeds.

Meanwhile, in an asylum, Antonio (Gareth Potter) fakes lunacy to get closer to the wife of a doctor, Isabella (Jessica B. Hill), who’s being watched by her husband’s hospital assistant, the militant fool Lollio (Tim Campbell).

The guarding and policing of female sexuality is persistent throughout “The Changeling,” which is especially heightened by the wartime setting.

Antonio tries to use his wit to get to Isabella but is overpowere­d by Lollio’s brute force, which is always threatenin­g to turn on Isabella herself. And Beatrice-Joanna’s proximity to the war — Camellia Koo’s set suggests the action is surrounded by the physical ruins of war — may be a better explanatio­n of her inclinatio­n toward murder to solve her problems and take control of her life.

Though she praises Middleton’s “contempora­ry psychology” in her program notes, Maxwell’s direction seems to go only halfway with this approach, letting the malevolent dealings of Beatrice-Joanna and De Flores come seemingly from their natural personalit­ies and not as a product of their surroundin­gs.

(Middleton certainly doesn’t share a contempora­ry psychology around the representa­tion of physical or mental difference­s as evil or depraved, or sexual women as “whores,” which this production doesn’t feel the need to address or manage.)

The title “The Changeling” refers to the many transforma­tions that occur within the characters in moral standing, presentati­on of identity and power, but there’s no major shift in this production, just a deepening.

As the villains, Davies and Carlson experience no trepidatio­n or loss of nerve before committing actions they can’t reverse. With such rotten cores, there’s never any doubt as to where the play will end up.

It’s dark and salacious, but not entirely dynamic. Unfortunat­ely, this Middleton is rather middling.

 ?? CYLLA VON TIEDEMANN ?? Alsemero (Cyrus Lane) and Beatrice-Joanna (Mikaela Davies) fall in love, or lust, in the Stratford Festival’s “The Changeling.”
CYLLA VON TIEDEMANN Alsemero (Cyrus Lane) and Beatrice-Joanna (Mikaela Davies) fall in love, or lust, in the Stratford Festival’s “The Changeling.”

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