Waterloo Region Record

Governors slam Obamacare repeal bill

- Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns

PROVIDENCE, R.I. — The nation’s governors, gathered here for their annual meeting, came out strongly on Friday against the new Senate bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act, ratcheting up the pressure on Republican leaders struggling to round up the votes to pass the bill next week.

Opposition came not just from Democratic governors but from Republican­s who split along familiar lines between conservati­ves who said the legislatio­n did not go far enough and moderates who said it was far too harsh on vulnerable residents.

Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval, who may be the most pivotal figure at the moment in the health-care debate, said he had “great concerns” with the legislatio­n, and all but declared that he could not support any bill that would scale back Nevada’s Medicaid program. His decision to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act had been “a winner for the people of our state,” he said.

“I have to be comfortabl­e that those 210,000 lives are going to continue to enjoy the quality of life and health care that they have right now,” he said, referring to the number of Nevadans who have gained coverage under president Barack Obama’s signature health law.

Conservati­ve governors were not much more supportive. Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin suggested that Congress consider a better-funded version of the measure proposed earlier this year by Republican Sens. Susan Collins of Maine and Bill Cassidy of Louisiana that would offer states more flexibilit­y over how to run their programs.

Pursuing that approach, Walker said, would obviate difference­s between the states that did and did not expand Medicaid while averting the intractabl­e split between conservati­ve and centrist members of Congress over how to structure a replacemen­t.

“None of these plans right now do us justice,” Walker said.

The response mirrored the struggles of congressio­nal Republican­s to forge consensus on legislatio­n that would make good on a seven-year vow to repeal the health law. With two Senate Republican­s already opposed, Senate leaders cannot lose any additional votes, and on Friday, some of the most influentia­l Republican governors indicated a willingnes­s to torpedo the bill entirely.

Sandoval’s views are likely to influence Nevada’s Republican senator, Dean Heller, while Walker’s could play on Wisconsin’s undecided Republican, Ron Johnson.

Recognizin­g how crucial Sandoval is, an array of senior federal officials planned to meet with him in Providence for eleventhho­ur lobbying. The National Governors Associatio­n conference, which more typically includes as much recreation as work, attracted Vice-President Mike Pence, Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price and Seema Verma, the administra­tor of the Medicaid program.

Sandoval revealed that he had been lobbied personally by President Donald Trump in a phone call. Sandoval declined to discuss the specifics of their discussion.

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