Waterloo Region Record

Kelly shows his clout, Scaramucci is out

New chief of staff moves swiftly to bring ‘discipline and strength’ to the White House

- Jonathan Lemire and Catherine Lucey

WASHINGTON — It didn’t take long for President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff to take charge in an unruly White House: Just hours after he was sworn in, former Gen. John Kelly made sure that Trump’s profanity-spouting new communicat­ions director was gone, ignominiou­sly ousted after less than two weeks on the job.

It was the latest headsnappi­ng sequence of events at 1600 Pennsylvan­ia Ave., but Trump dismissed any talk of disarray. He insisted in a tweet there was “No WH chaos,” then followed up in the evening with a satisfied “great day at the White House.”

Aiming to instil some discipline in the White House, Kelly showed Anthony Scaramucci the door just days after the new communicat­ions director had unleashed an expletive-laced tirade against senior staff members that included vulgar broadsides at then-chief of staff Reince Priebus. In short order, Priebus was pushed aside and replaced by Kelly, whose arrival led in turn to Scaramucci’s departure.

The communicat­ion director’s tenure was the stuff of Shakespear­ean drama — though brief enough to be just a morbid sonnet.

Scaramucci’s exit underscore­d the challenges that Kelly, the former homeland security chief, faces in bringing order to a West Wing where a wide swath of aides have reported directly to the president, feeling free to walk into Trump’s Oval Office or buttonhole him in the hallway to lobby for conflictin­g agendas. Backstabbi­ng among aides has been rife.

And then there is president himself, who uses tweets to fling out new policy announceme­nts, insult critics and even go after fellow Republican­s who don’t toe his line.

On Kelly’s first day, the White House put out word that the retired four-star general had free rein to tighten the chain of command. White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said Kelly “has the full authority to carry out business as he sees fit” and that all White House staffers will report to him, including powerful aides such as Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, her hus-

band, Jared Kushner, and chief strategist Steve Bannon.

Kelly “will bring new structure, discipline and strength” to the White House, she said.

The chief of staff took his oath of office early Monday in an Oval Office ceremony thronged by senior staffers, including Scaramucci. But a short time later, Kelly told the communicat­ions director he was out, leading Scaramucci to offer his resignatio­n instead, according to four White House staffers and outside advisers not authorized to speak publicly about personnel matters.

In the brief, cold words of the White House announceme­nt, Scaramucci was leaving because he “felt it was best to give Chief of Staff John Kelly a clean slate and the ability to build his own team.” The three-sentence release concluded, “We wish him all the best.”

The statement revived the “clean slate” language that former White House press secretary Sean Spicer had used to describe his own reason for resigning on the day Trump brought Scaramucci aboard.

Scaramucci was escorted from the White House grounds, becoming yet another highrankin­g official to leave an administra­tion that is barely beyond the six-month mark. He was the third person to hold the communicat­ions director title in that time.

While in most administra­tions the chief of staff closely manages the president’s time others’ access to the Oval Office, Priebus never was able to prevent Trump from continuing the same disorderly style he had created atop his business.

Scaramucci had been blocked from joining the administra­tion during the transition by Priebus, only to eventually be hired by Trump last week. That decision, over the objections of Priebus and Bannon, led to the resignatio­n of Spicer and fuelled Scaramucci’s profane vows of vengeance against White House staffers who had opposed him or leaked to the press.

Days of negative news coverage of Scaramucci’s crass rant did not sit well with the president, though Trump himself is no stranger to using coarse language, including boasts of groping women in a 2005 Access Hollywood tape leaked last year.

“The president certainly felt that Anthony’s comments were inappropri­ate for a person in his position,” Sanders said when asked about the ouster.

After swearing in Kelly, Trump convened his full cabinet, including Attorney General Jeff Sessions, the target of recent public rebukes from the president. Sanders later brushed aside talk of yet another abrupt shuffle: the idea of Sessions leaving the Justice Department to replace Kelly at Homeland Security. The president has no such plans, she said.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO ?? The White House says Anthony Scaramucci is leaving his job as communicat­ions director to give President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff a “clean slate.”
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTO The White House says Anthony Scaramucci is leaving his job as communicat­ions director to give President Donald Trump’s new chief of staff a “clean slate.”

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