Waterloo Region Record

‘Somebody has to listen to me’

Researcher­s commend ‘brave’ Indigenous women in calling for review over unwanted tubal ligations

- Kristy Kirkup

OTTAWA — Two researcher­s who documented unwanted tubal ligations and “inherent racism” experience­d by Indigenous women navigating the health-care system in Saskatoon say a national review is needed to determine if other Aboriginal women have experience­d similar trauma.

Yvonne Boyer, a lawyer and a Canada Research Chair at Manitoba’s Brandon University, and Dr. Judith Bartlett, a physician and researcher, released a report last week outlining how Indigenous women from Saskatoon and surroundin­g areas were coerced into having their Fallopian tubes clamped or severed after giving birth in a hospital.

The experience of the women in Saskatchew­an is likely not limited to the province, Boyer said, adding Indigenous Peoples have experience­d racism and discrimina­tion all over the country, including in accessing health services.

“This has just given us an opportunit­y to use tubal ligation as an example but I would say it is probably happening in other aspects of health care as well,” Boyer said in an interview, noting Indigenous women who shared their stories for the report are also seeking a national review.

A broader review would help determine the extent of discrimina­tion across Canada, Bartlett said. “We know in Saskatoon it has happened at least within the last five years but also going well back in history in terms of the women that we did interview.”

The report says most of the women did not understand tubal ligations were permanent, noting they thought the procedure was a form of birth control that could be reversed.

It adds most women interviewe­d either do not recall giving consent or signed because they were too tired and overwhelme­d to fight any longer.

The report suggests the tubal ligations were done to help Indigenous women manage burgeoning families. “The doctors and nurses say, ‘It’s for your benefit,’” one woman told the investigat­ors. “You have all these children. Enjoy her while you have her.”

With one exception, the researcher­s found all of the Aboriginal women interviewe­d for the report indicated a clear lack of trust of the health care system — something that continued long after the procedure. “Most had not been back to the doctor or had very little health care since they had felt coerced into sterilizat­ion,” the report said. “They also said they would find it very difficult to go back to a doctor, and refuse to go.”

The report also documented “inherent racism experience­d by Aboriginal people in many health care settings.”

“Comments were made that suggested there should be an expansion of the review beyond the boundaries of the SHR (Saskatoon Health Region) to include all hospitals and health-care providers in Saskatchew­an and indeed in Canada,” the report said.

In response to the report’s release, the Saskatoon Health Region said it deeply regrets what happened and acknowledg­es it failed to treat the women with the respect, compassion and support they deserve.

It called for the external review after patients came forward to the media to share what they experience­d. “These are the heroes that said, ‘No, it has to stop, somebody has to listen to me,’” Boyer said. “They’re the brave ones. They’re the ones with the courage that came forward.”

It is always healing to expose something that people have buried deep inside, added Bartlett.

The hope is that as these women come forward, they feel “confident enough that this report has been a positive thing” and that they now will feel comfortabl­e in approachin­g the Saskatoon Health Region to access resources that will help them to manage this in order to heal, she said.

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