Waterloo Region Record

Another way to treat kids after a divorce

Nesting may ease the trauma of a breakup

- Fiona Tapp

Although parents who are divorcing can rest in knowing children can recover from their parents’ divorce, it remains a potentiall­y traumatic event for children.

Parents know this, and so, of course, they will seek to minimize the effects of the breakdown of their marriage on their children. One of the latest strategies parents are using to manage the difficult transition during a divorce is called nesting.

Nesting is when the children remain in the family home and the parents alternate moving in and out, depending on the custody agreement.

Rather than in a traditiona­l arrangemen­t, where the children are required to move between two homes, two bedrooms, and two sets of toys, this practice allows everything material to stay stable and predictabl­e for the kids. Here, it’s the grown-ups who must adapt.

But parents need to be aware of the many hiccups that can occur when trying to nest during and after a divorce. Not only are there serious emotional issues, but there are also serious financial considerat­ions. Especially when you consider that the average divorce costs upwards of $20,000.

California family-law specialist Peter Walzer, founding partner of the Los Angeles-based law firm Walzer Melcher, advises parents to think very carefully about all post-separation arrangemen­ts and how they can impact both sides financiall­y.

“It’s important to think about the legal consequenc­es of a nesting agreement,” he said. “In some states, the parties may not be deemed to be separated if they are nesting. This could impact the property division and their support orders. Alimony may not be deductible if they are considered to be sharing a home, and there may be tax consequenc­es relating to the sale of the home.”

For most ordinary families, compoundin­g the high cost of obtaining a divorce by maintainin­g three homes is an unattainab­le fantasy.

Anne P. Mitchell, a lawyer, author and fathers’-rights activist, found that her experience of nesting evolved from an initial attempt to keep the family together. As her marriage broke down, she asked her husband not to leave but to stay in the house and sleep in different bedrooms.

“This worked very well, we were still able to coparent very civilly, even supportive­ly, we just weren’t husband and wife anymore,” she said.

Once her husband moved out of state, they started to practice nesting full-time. Mitchell’s husband would fly in each weekend and she would move out. Mitchell believes that many parents allow their negative feelings about their ex-partner to affect the decisions they make post-divorce and that nesting can be a way to prioritize the children’s needs first.

“Children need both parents. Many divorcing spouses just want that other person out of their lives,” she said. “But that is not how it works when you have children; the other parent will always be in your life in some fashion, you will have to interact with them one way or another at least until they turn 18.”

It’s that interactio­n that can cause potential conflict in nesting arrangemen­ts, as far as Karina Alomar, a matrimonia­l lawyer in Ridgewood, N.Y., is concerned. She has found that by sharing a space, former spouses could use the family home as a battlegrou­nd, and the children are inevitably the victims.

“There are issues of parents invading each other’s personal space, leaving the house in a mess for the other parent, failing to purchase their share of the groceries and/or clothes for the children, and then drawing their children into the conflict by questionin­g them as to what occurred while they were out of the home or pointing out the other parent’s deficienci­es,” she said.

Stacy D. Phillips, celebrity divorce attorney and author, practised nesting herself during her divorce but does not recommend it as a long-term strategy. “I am a proponent of nesting in the right circumstan­ces,” she said. She believes that nesting can work in the short-term as a bridge between family life pre- and post-separation.

“Nesting helps children adapt to the changes in the family structure and can make this major life transition easier for everyone, but only if the parents trust each other and can communicat­e amicably,” she said.

Zerline Hughes Spruill, 39, a communicat­ions consultant, practised a version of nesting without even realizing it was a concept. After a cross-state move, the couple separated and divorced. The children’s father returned to New York City, while Hughes Spruill bought a home for her and the kids in Washington, D.C.

“He would come to D.C. (for visitation­s) and stay at my and the kids’ home for one or two nights,” she explained.

This arrangemen­t allowed the children and their father to spend more time together and avoided them ever having to travel to him unaccompan­ied.

“While he was there, I would stay out all night and dance, crash with a friend, and then later, with the guy I was seeing who is now my husband,” she said.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/WAVEBREAK MEDIA ?? Nesting is when the children remain in the family home and the parents alternate moving in and out, depending on the custody agreement.
GETTY IMAGES/WAVEBREAK MEDIA Nesting is when the children remain in the family home and the parents alternate moving in and out, depending on the custody agreement.

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