Waterloo Region Record

I don’t know whether to attend my sister’s wedding

- ellieadvic­e.com


. I haven’t decided whether to attend my sister’s upcoming wedding. I wasn’t asked to be part of the wedding, though an old friend of hers and her husband will be.

I didn’t receive a wedding invitation until the day after the RSVP final date. We only got one because my mom kept asking her about it.

Also, she publicly bashed me on Facebook when I commented on why she’d cancelled her “stag and doe” (people thought they may’ve broken up but that wasn’t so).

After confrontin­g her about her post, she won’t look me in the eye when my husband and I pick up my niece to go swimming.

I’m not fond of her fiancé as he has a drinking problem.

He’s driven my niece and nephew around after a few beers.

Do I respond, “No,” explaining that I feel she doesn’t want us there?

Or, do I reply, “Yes” so I don’t have to worry about my whole family being angry with me?

A. You’re an involved aunt despite these squabbles, and for the sake of her children and all the family, you should attend the wedding.

It’s obvious to your sister that you disapprove of her groom. Yet you’ll accomplish nothing by just showing attitude.

She needs a sister who’s seen as a voice of reason.

You’ll then be able to gently discuss concerns about his driving when drinking, which puts her kids, her, and anyone else at risk.

You don’t want the whole family angry at you for not attending, because your opinions can then be ignored or misunderst­ood, especially if you express them unwisely.

Explaining her actions on Facebook wasn’t your responsibi­lity — that was up to her to do.

Instead, you could’ve advised her that people misunderst­ood and suggested that she might want to explain.

She’s lucky to have a sister who cares which I believe you do. Don’t push her away.

Reader feedback

Feedback regarding the young gay man who was unsure about whether or not to come out to his homophobic parents (Aug. 16):

Reader: “Statements such as “disrespect­ing their values” and “doing the least harm” are classic ways of thinking that put the problem on being gay.

“It’s not his fault that he’s gay. It’s not his fault that his parents are bigots. Making it out that he’s the problem is a way of thinking that leads so many good LGBT+ people to suicide.

“He’s a scared young man in a difficult situation. He needs to get out of that toxic house as fast as possible. Perhaps living with the boyfriend’s parents is an option?”

Ellie: You make a good point about moving in with his boyfriend if possible, rather than stay in his bigoted parents’ home.

But he owes them $15,000 and can pay it off by living there instead of paying rent.

That’s the “problem” described, not the fact of his being gay with which he’s comfortabl­e.

He’s certainly not to “blame” for being gay.

Like you, I hold no such uninformed concepts and wouldn’t accept that thought from anyone else either.

But I do appreciate your concern for the sensitivit­y of young people who are afraid to come out to family.

The phrase about “disrespect­ing their values” was suggested as the kind of opinion he might hear as to why he should just speak up about who he is.

I encouraged his own ability to make that decision because it’s clear that his inner confidence is strong, and that living with his parents has become understand­ably unbearable.

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