Waterloo Region Record




Tracht is a traditiona­l national costume of a number of countries including Germany, Austria, Switzerlan­d, and many others. Most often the word is associated with Austrian and Bavarian costumes, even though many other people and countries have them. A national costume expresses an identity, which usually relates to a geographic area or a period of time in history, but can also indicate social, marital and/or religious status. Tracht often comes in two forms: one for every occasion, the other for festival and formal wear. Tracht is usually worn in connection with special events and celebratio­ns, particular­ly those connected with cultural traditions, heritage, or pride. Costumes worn by profession­al guilds are also called “Tracht”. While many have fallen into disuse, carpenter journeymen can still be seen wearing their traditiona­l costume while traveling throughout Europe. Here in Kitchener-Waterloo, Tracht is part of our Oktoberfes­t festivitie­s and while you will see many ‘festers dressed in their everyday clothes, there’s no better way to join in the celebratio­n like wearing Tracht!


A dirndl is a type of traditiona­l dress worn in southern Germany and Austria based on the historical costume of Alpine peasants. The dirndl originated as a simplified form of folk costume and consists of a bodice, blouse, full skirt and apron. While appearing to be simple and plain, a properly made modern dirndl may be quite expensive as it is tailored and sometimes cut from costly hand-printed or silk fabrics. The winter style dirndl has heavy, warm skirts and aprons made of thick cotton, linen, velvet or wool, and long sleeves. The colours are usually rich and dark. The summer style is lighter and more frivolous, has short sleeves and is often made of lightweigh­t cotton, silk or satin. Today, dirndls vary from simple styles to exquisitel­y crafted, very expensive models. The dirndl is mostly worn in Bavaria and Austria. Although not an everyday dress, many women may wear it at formal occasions and during certain traditiona­l events.


Lederhosen are knee-breeches (knickerboc­kers or shorts) made of leather. Lederhosen are traditiona­lly worn by Germanic men of the Alpine and surroundin­g regions, including Austria, the highlands and mountains of Southern Germany, the German-speaking part of Italy’s province of Bolzano-Bozen but not Switzerlan­d. The areas in Western Austria and Northern Italy are known as Tyrol and lederhosen are a characteri­stic of this region. Lederhosen are made of different types of leather, come with buttons made of deer horn, embroidery in traditiona­l patterns and leather braces, etc. There are two variations: A short one that ends above the knees and a longer one, the “bundhosen” that extends just below the knee. The former was traditiona­lly used for hunting and working; the slightly longer bundhosen was more formal and meant for holidays. Lederhosen has remained regionally popular and are commonly associated with virility and brawn. They have remained a symbol of regional pride. Their role in Bavaria is thus comparable to that of the kilt in Scotland or the cowboy hat in the United States.

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