Waterloo Region Record

New citizen science project to track milkweed

- Johanna Weidner, Record staff

WATERLOO — Tracking milkweed, a plant that’s essential in the life cycle of the endangered monarch butterfly, is a big job and Wilfrid Laurier University researcher­s are enlisting people across Canada to help.

“This is not something that any one group of scientists on their own can do. We need eyes everywhere to do an inventory of milkweed,” said Robert McLeman, associate professor in Laurier’s department of geography and environmen­tal studies.

“At this time of year, they’re pretty easy to spot.”

MilkweedWa­tch, an online platform to track the presence of milkweed throughout Canada, was launched this week by a team of researcher­s at Laurier and the University of Ottawa. People can easily enter their observatio­ns of milkweed plants on the mobile friendly website milkweedwa­tch.ca.

“With a few clicks, your observatio­n is recorded,” McLeman said.

The aim of MilkweedWa­tch — developed with support from Environmen­t and Climate Change Canada and the nonprofit organizati­on Ontario Nature — is to raise awareness about the critical role of milkweed plants as a habitat for monarchs and other pollinator­s, and to help gather data for Canadian scientists studying

the relationsh­ip between milkweed and monarch population health.

“Not everybody realizes just how important a species milkweed is,” McLeman said.

Monarch butterfly numbers have plummeted in recent decades, he said, and a key factor is the decline of milkweed due to the use of herbicides in agricultur­e and changing land use.

“Milkweed has been disappeari­ng to the margins of the countrysid­e,” McLeman said.

Monarch butterflie­s look for milkweed to lay their eggs; they lay a single egg on a single plant.

Then the caterpilla­r eats the milkweed leaves, absorbing the plant’s toxins to discourage predators from eating them.

Knowing more about where milkweed grows can also help farmers protect stands of the important plant. Herbicides used to control weeds also kill off milkweed.

“That’s not just here in Canada. It’s right across North America,” McLeman said.

MilkweedWa­tch is the fifth citizen science program launched under the NatureWatc­h project, operated by Laurier and Ottawa universiti­es in associatio­n with the David Suzuki Foundation and Nature Canada.

It joins FrogWatch, PlantWatch, IceWatch and WormWatch. McLeman also led RinkWatch, a citizen science project tracking the skating conditions of more than 1,400 Canadian outdoor rinks and ponds.

 ?? MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO ?? A female monarch lays an egg on a milkweed plant.
MCCLATCHY-TRIBUNE FILE PHOTO A female monarch lays an egg on a milkweed plant.

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