Waterloo Region Record

Face-covering ban will embolden racists


Re: Quebec lawmakers pass controvers­ial law obliging citizens to uncover their faces — Oct. 19

It is estimated that only 100 to 150 women in Quebec wear the niqab or burka. With Quebec’s Bill 62, which will ban face coverings for people receiving or giving a public service, has a government in Canada ever moved so quickly to introduce legislatio­n of any kind, let alone legislatio­n which is so hateful and then against so few? Are Quebecers so insecure or racist that how these 150 women dress needs to be legislated? Many people, including myself, don’t like the niqab or burka and its representa­tive oppressive­ness of women, but that does not mean I will jump on a legislativ­e bandwagon that negates its not so latent racist element by adding scarves, bandanas and sunglasses to make it sound inclusive. Does a blind person now have to prove they’re blind in order to be able to wear their sunglasses on a bus?

Bill 62 is supposed to grant accommodat­ion requests based on religious beliefs, but Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard should know full well that with or without that accommodat­ion this legislatio­n only serves to bring out the racists who will now think they have permission to publicly denigrate Muslims in general. If legislatio­n that dealt with such issues as poverty, inequality, the opioid crisis, homelessne­ss, pay equity, abuse etc. was moved on as quickly, that would be laudatory and would be an indication of a progressiv­e society. What was Premier Couillard thinking? Is he, like Donald Trump, playing to his base? If this is what he thinks is necessary to appease some Quebecers so that he is re-elected, then shame on him and those Canadian Quebecers who back this bill. Jokelee Vanderkop Palmerston

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