Waterloo Region Record

Keeping Your Home Fresh This Winter

Winter is right around the corner, and the change in weather can really take a toll on your home, both inside and out. Snow and rock salt are tracked inside, the fireplace is circulatin­g ashes, the heat's running constantly, and with no open windows, all

- Find more tips online at www.somedaysta­rtstoday.ca.


As an interior designer, Glass is always looking for quick and easy ways to clean the house, especially hardwood floors. This is even more important during the winter, as her three dogs make it hard to keep the snow outside. “I love a product like Swiffer WetJet because it's safe on finished hardwood floors and dries quickly,” she says. “I use it in my personal and profession­al life every day. Whether I'm styling for a photo shoot, or running after my furry friends, it's indispensa­ble to me. The ease of use is especially important.”


Winter isn't everyone's favourite time of year, and the darkness and cool weather can really dull down the home. On days when the sun is shining, Glass likes to open her windows and let the air flow through the house for half an hour. This helps brighten the space and get rid of any stuffiness or smell. It's the perfect way to give your home a quick refresh without making it too cool.


Dust bunnies and ceiling cobwebs announce that a good cleaning is long overdue. “I like to set aside 15 minutes a week to dust around the house,” says Glass. “To clean surfaces, I use my Swiffer Duster. It's easy to use and effectivel­y traps dust, which makes everything look and feel fresh.” She also likes to give light fixtures a good cleaning. Dust easily collects on them during the winter, and can make indoor lights look dingy. A good cleaning will make a big difference in brightenin­g things up.

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