Waterloo Region Record

The rebellion against Trump

Three GOP senators who have spoken out against their own president find themselves under fire

- Alexander Panetta

WASHINGTON — This week provided overwhelmi­ng evidence that Donald Trump is ensconced in the driver’s seat of the Republican party, steamrolli­ng internal competitio­n, making political casualties of his rare detractors.

Look no further than Jeff Flake, Bob Corker and John McCain.

All three senators spoke against the president, warning of his unfitness for office and if this was intended as a rallying cry of rebellion, it produced little more than silence, slings and arrows from their own side.

The reaction of two men was telling: Sen. Ted Cruz and radio host Mark Levin. Both reluctantl­y endorsed Trump last year, after initially refusing to. Now they’re acting as presidenti­al enforcers, raining verbal blows upon Trump detractors.

Levin spent a solid half-hour trashing Corker for suggesting the president is mentally unstable and might cause a third world war.

He called the senator “an egomaniac,” “repulsive,” a serial liar, detestable, a “creep,” “jerk,” “snake,” “lowest of the low,” “angry little man,” “loathsome,” and a “do-nothing, awful senator.”

The host’s basic point is Trump has achieved more for conservati­ves this year by signing executive orders on de-regulation and appointing Neil Gorsuch to the Supreme Court than a do-nothing Congress that hasn’t passed a single major bill.

This same man initially refused to endorse Trump over slimy campaign attacks on Cruz — like insulting his wife, spreading rumours about his sex life and suggesting the Texas senator’s dad helped kill John F. Kennedy. This week, Cruz sided with the president. Appearing on a show where the host bragged about delivering “crotch-kicks” to the crybaby senators, Cruz reacted to his colleagues this way: “We’ve got a job to do, dammit . ... All of this nonsense, I’ve got nothing to say on it. Everyone shut up and do your job, is my view.”

Cruz blamed so-called moderate peers for blocking bills like the Obamacare repeal.

Those peers are now leaving: Corker isn’t seeking re-election next year. McCain, with five years left in his term, is battling brain cancer.

Flake just announced his retirement after one term, conceding the obvious: he would probably have lost his primary.

He followed up his dramatic resignatio­n address with an op-ed in newspapers Wednesday titled, “Enough.” Flake warned of a sickness in the political system and said people must speak up against Trump as they did against the red-baiting demagogue Joseph McCarthy.

“Nine months (of this administra­tion) is more than enough for us to say, loudly and clearly: Enough,” Flake wrote. “We can no longer remain silent, merely observing this train wreck... The longer we wait, the greater the damage, the harsher the judgment of history.”

Other elected Republican­s reacted equivocall­y.

David Lublin, a political scientist at American University, said Flake appeared to be begging colleagues to step out of the shadows and say publicly what they say privately about Trump, rather than deflect questions on the subject: “They shift the talk back to what they want, or to talk about how Democrats are even worse.”

New poll numbers explain Trump’s power within the party.

It goes beyond a Politico survey showing Trump with a 77 per cent approval rating among Republican­s. A deeper snapshot came in a massive poll released by Pew hours before Flake’s announceme­nt.

The study of 5,000 people broke the American electorate into nine voter-types: four lean Republican, four lean Democrat, and one doesn’t vote. And it just so happens that the most powerful group of Republican voters loves Trump most.

The group that comprises 43 per cent of politicall­y engaged Republican­s, people who put up signs, make donations and vote in primaries, is what Pew calls “Core Conservati­ve” — mostly financiall­y comfortabl­e, male, believers in small government and likelier to support free trade.

These people voiced 93 per cent support for Trump.

Flake and Corker have opted not to face them in next year’s primary. Or news outlets like Fox, which began its morning show Wednesday with a segment blasting the senators for attacking, “our commander-in-chief.”

But Lublin said all this could backfire on the GOP. While Republican­s love him, national polls show far lower ratings for the commander-in-chief.

 ?? EVAN VUCCI, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? President Donald Trump participat­es in a briefing on hurricane recovery efforts, Wednesday, in Dallas. Those from his own party who have dared to attack him have faced extreme backlash from other Republican­s.
EVAN VUCCI, THE ASSOCIATED PRESS President Donald Trump participat­es in a briefing on hurricane recovery efforts, Wednesday, in Dallas. Those from his own party who have dared to attack him have faced extreme backlash from other Republican­s.

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