Waterloo Region Record

Big, hairy, audacious and needed

- Bill Whitelaw Bill Whitelaw is president and CEO at JuneWarren-Nickle’s Energy Group. Distribute­d by Troy Media.

Maybe Canada needs Jim Collins to help us get a grip on energy policy.

Most folks who have been to a corporate retreat know these four letters: BHAG. They stand for Big Hairy Audacious Goal.

Collins, a business consultant, author and lecturer, says BHAGs are intended to help companies and organizati­ons set stretch goals that may seem out there but on close scrutiny are achievable with the right combinatio­n of resources and market dynamics.

BHAGs aren’t aspiration­s for this year or next — or even five years out. They stretch across decades and even generation­s.

And people have had BHAGs for centuries. Collins simply put a catchy name to the notion of setting a big target and doing everything in your power to get there.

Collins says it well in Built to Last: Successful Habits of Visionary Companies:

“A true BHAG is clear and compelling, serves as unifying focal point of effort, and acts as a clear catalyst for team spirit. It has a clear finish line, so the organizati­on can know when it has achieved the goal; people like to shoot for finish lines.”

The first key to a BHAG is its believabil­ity. The second key is the clear pathway to it. The third key is its unifying effect.

Canada’s various provincial and federal government­s like BHAGs. They make for good political theatre. But, it seems, most politician­s don’t really grasp the work that goes with them. In a corporate context, BHAGs are the blend of economic pragmatism and ideal vision-setting. But cast in a political context, BHAGs are often more or less ideologica­l freight trains thundering into a future with no guarantee the locomotive will stay on any recognizab­le economic tracks.

Think about what you know, as a Canadian taxpayer, about BHAGs related to the emissions reductions goals, for example, to which various government­s have committed the country in the internatio­nal realm.

Those goals are big, hairy and, yes, audacious in terms of their aspiration­al laudabilit­y. We all love the environmen­t and we understand we need to do better by it. But those goals are not underpinne­d with anything average Canadians would recognize as understand­able business logic that will help us navigate there. There’s no apparent plan balancing the economy and environmen­t, no clearly articulate­d strategy that makes political and business sense.

Canada’s emissions reduction aspiration­s are but one element in an incredibly complex economic and energy transition that, if not understood by all Canadians, will end up not being a goal at all. Rather, they will become something that, at best, disappoint­s and, at worst, divides. This covers the gamut from regulatory uncertaint­y to unintended economic consequenc­es.

We’ve seen plenty of evidence of that division. Nothing concrete is happening that is remotely likely to produce a BHAG Canadians could get behind. No firm plan that embraces the economy and environmen­t. No clear idea that carbon pricing will push economic levers. No recognitio­n that Canada’s key resource interests and its aspiration as a global environmen­tal leader must be in balance.

There’s no clear finish line visible to anyone but the small group of ideologues who have commandeer­ed the bus. Where Canada’s energy policy is headed is hardly unifying or catalyzing.

Collins told Inc. magazine in 2012 that it’s important to get people behind a BHAG to make it come to pass, rather than behind the temporal leader of the moment.

That produces durability, he contended.

In Canada, the public needs to get behind a twinned environmen­tal-economic BHAG and move beyond what passes for political leadership.

Someone should check if Collins has an up-to-date passport and is up for a visit to Canada.

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